Welcome to Week 6!
Sharyn Quirk
Dear Stella Maris Community
As the term races by, the students and staff of Stella have been energetically immersed in learning, extra-curricular activities, and, most importantly, having fun!
A true highlight of the past weeks was the Swimming Carnival last Friday. The pool became a stage for incredible achievements, with each year group competing fiercely, while the grounds buzzed with excitement. Students showed off their amazing creativity, with their “animal” costumes in house colours. From cows and roosters to buzzing bees, the energy was contagious, and the vibrant display of creativity—such as a stunning fish tank and a beautifully detailed peacock costume—brought a festive and joyful spirit to the day. It was wonderful to see the entire school community come together in such spirited celebration!
A heartfelt thank you to all our families who participated in the Year 7 Welcome Evening and the P&F Sunset Social. The evening offered a stunning backdrop for engaging conversations, laughter, and the building of connections. The spirit of Stella was truly alive, and I am incredibly grateful to our parents and carers for their warmth and willingness to come together to strengthen our community. A special thank you to the P&F, led by the wonderful Clare Cahill, for organising this memorable event, and to the dedicated Stella staff who helped make the evening such a success.
A particularly moving moment occurred last Sunday evening when the Manly Freshwater Parish welcomed the relic of St John Vianney. This rare and sacred occasion was marked by a beautiful and solemn Mass, where our students contributed to the music, adding a sacred harmony that resonated deeply with all present. The moment felt timeless, and it was a powerful reminder of the enduring legacy of faith and service. I am profoundly grateful to be part of such a meaningful and spiritual experience, made all the more special by the reverence and dedication of our students, staff, and parish community.
This week, as we celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD), we honour the courage, resilience and extraordinary contributions of women throughout history. More than a date, March 8 is a call to action—to build a future where equality, dignity, and opportunity flourish for all.
A Legacy of Strength and Compassion
From its origins in the labor movements of the early 20th century, IWD has been a rallying cry for women’s rights, equality, and dignity. First proposed by German activist, Clara Zetkin in 1910, the movement has grown into a worldwide force for change. It is a day to honour the women who have paved the way and to commit to shaping a future where every woman and girl can flourish.
Walking the Path of Justice – The Sisters of the Good Samaritan
For more than 160 years, the Sisters of the Good Samaritan have embodied the very spirit of IWD—empowering women, advocating for justice, and walking alongside those in need. Founded on the principles of compassion and service, the Sisters have championed education, social justice, and the dignity of all, particularly for women and girls.
Like the women who gathered for the first IWD, the Sisters have long recognised that true progress is built on solidarity, courage, and an unwavering commitment to justice. Their work in education, community development, and social outreach continues to break down barriers, offering hope and opportunity where it is needed most.
A Call to Action
International Women’s Day and the mission of the Good Sams share a common purpose—to create a world where all people, regardless of gender, can live with dignity, equality, and opportunity. As we celebrate the achievements of women, let us also embrace the responsibility to lift each other up, speak out against injustice, and take action that transforms lives. As The future is ours to shape.
Empowered by compassion. Inspired by justice. United in action.
Thank you!
Finally, my thanks to all who supported our IWD Breakfast this morning at Manly Golf Club. It was a wonderful celebration. Students and adults were able to take away valuable insights from the presence, achievements, and advice shared by our inspirational panellists, Gemma Williams and Rachel Nunn, who both spoke so highly of their Stella days.
Once again, thank you to our community for the wonderful conversations, the warm welcome, and the collective spirit that makes Stella such a special place.
Warm regards,
Sharyn Quirk
Don't miss this edition's important notices...
Our annual Open Evening takes place on Wednesday 19 March from 4.00 - 7.30pm. This special event offers a fantastic opportunity for prospective families to explore our school and experience the vibrant, welcoming atmosphere of the Stella community.
To allow time to prepare for the evening, students will be dismissed at 1.30pm. Please make travel arrangements for your child on this day. Please note that students who are not helping out at Open Evening are required to change out of uniform if they intend to visit Warringah Mall after dismissal.
We have had a wonderful response from Years 8 - 12 students who have volunteered to serve as tour guides, subject area ambassadors and performers. It's not too late to volunteer! Please refer your daughter to an email sent by Ms Burke on Friday 28 February to sign up. (Our Year 7 students will have the opportunity from next year).
Sincere thanks to parents and carers who have volunteered to assist on the P&F barbecue. Sign up here if you're able to help.
Date: Sunday 9 March
Time: 5.00pm
Venue: St Kieran's Catholic Church, Manly Vale
During this mass we gather together for song and prayer.
We hear the Word of God proclaimed and reflect on its meaning for us.
We pray for the world, our community and ourselves, sealing our prayers with the sign of peace.
We set our table with bread and wine, give thanks, and praise to God.
We share in a sacred meal that spiritually strengthens, nourishes, and transforms us.
We share a blessing from God and are sent out on mission to the world, to be agents of change.
Everyone is invited to come as they are, knowing that all are included in God’s circle of love.
Did you know that free tutoring is offered to Stella students from Monday to Thursday after school in the Library?
If your daughter needs assignment or homework help, assistance preparing for exams or just a little guidance grasping concepts covered in class, suggest she signs up to see one of our Stella Tutors.
Our tutors are recent graduates who achieved incredibly well in their HSC.
Please refer to the attached Tutor Schedule for details on how your daughter can access the tutors.
Parent and Stella Fellas co-ordinator, Nick Poutney, is organising a Stella team to participate in the annual Head Above Water 24-hour swim. Details below:
Parents and daughters are encouraged to participate in the Head Above Water 24-hour swim at the Collaroy Ocean Pool over the weekend of March 22 - 23. The team at Head Above Water raise funds to promote mental health and resilience initiatives that support the Stella community. This is a great event to be part of.
Swimmers of all abilities are welcome, from beginners to casual swimmers, weekend warriors, and experienced pros. The idea is to pick a one hour time slot to swim at a time that suits you.
1. Use this registration link to buy your ticket for the swim - https://headabovewater.grassrootz.com/headabovewaterswimathon25/tickets
You can choose any time and any lane. If you want to swim with friends, coordinate amongst yourselves which time slot you're going to swim in (the lane doesn't matter.) On the first page of the registration form, you'll see all the available times and how many places are still available in each lane.
2. When you get to the question "Are you fundraising in a team?" please select Yes - Join an Existing Team from the dropdown menu and select the Stella Maris team.
3. Use the code TEAM2025 at checkout to pay only $20 (if you forget the code, you'll pay $40!)
Macquarie University Psychology Clinic is running a six-week program which assists parents or carers to develop skills to help their children understand and manage their emotions through emotionally responsive parenting. See the flyer for further details.
This two night workshop (12 and 19 March) provides tips and tools to help dads and male carers connect to their teen. Men's counsellor and father of two teens, Adrian Workman, will lead this interactive forum.
Point Break Theatre Company is super excited to announce their upcoming production of the brilliant American play, "12 Angry Jurors" (men and women) at the Star of the Sea Theatre, Manly, from 27 March to 6 April.
News from our English and Visual Arts departments...
Congratulations to Tilda Brownlow and Isabel Kirby, graduating students from 2024 on their Visual Art works being selected for the ‘Out Front’ exhibition at Manly Art Gallery and Museum (MAG&M) which opened on Friday 21 February.
‘Out Front 2025’ is an annual selection of artworks by HSC Visual Arts students from the 20 secondary schools across the Northern Beaches curated and displayed at the Manly Art Gallery. The exhibition “aims to explore the contemporary themes which are of importance to young people today and has been a part of MAG&M’s program since 1995. Presented in partnership with the Theo Batten Trust and MAG&M Society, the program has provided Youth Art Awards to aspiring artists for 30 years. The program demonstrates the gallery's ongoing commitment to connecting with secondary schools across the region and to supporting visual arts education."
The opening night was an opportunity for teachers and artists to preview the exhibition, celebrating the extraordinary talent and creativity of young local emerging artists.
The Theo Batten Bequest Youth Art Award, and the KALOF People’s Choice Award are presented as part of this exhibition.
The art works are always of a very high standard and we are thrilled for our two students as this is a great accomplishment and a recognition of all their hard work.
We also are grateful for the excellent guidance from the Visual Art teachers.
Unfortunately Isabel was unable to exhibit but it was a treat to see Tilda's work looking very impressive in the Gallery.
We look forward to seeing the exhibition which runs from 21 February until 6 April at the Manly Art Gallery & Museum.
Pop along if you can!
Tilda Brownlow's HSC Visual Arts work
Isabel Kirby's HSC artwork
Leusippe of Troy by Isabel Kirby
Author, Will Kostakis, presents to Year 11 English
Recently, my Year 11 cohort had the fantastic opportunity to meet award-winning author, Will Kostakis. The workshop directly related to our current topic in English – Reading to Write – and we all learned plenty: how to write better characters; how to use description efficiently; and how to be an overall smarter writer.
I would like to thank the English Department for the opportunity of listening to this inspiring guest speaker. I feel confident and keen to follow Will Kostakis’ writing advice which is sure to improve our creative writing skills.
For me personally, I found myself feeling heard through Kostakis’ novels. We grew up very similarly you see, both raised in Greek households in Sydney with a close connection to our grandparents. By hearing insights into his books, I felt as if my own story had been reflected through his novels in various ways. After his presentation I looked at several of his novels and, quite frankly, I was shocked because I had never seen characters that felt so real to me. I am usually one to read classics or high fantasy and generally find that characters seem to follow a stock standard English or American stereotype. In contrast, Will Kostakis’ young adult novels have original and fresh characters which don’t usually involve typically stable backgrounds. There is certainly something within each of his novels that can truly relate to each reader and it’s great to finally see some personal representation within the books I read.
I truly believe that Will Kostakis is an important writer for growing teens, as he writes of a different way of life, whether it be through ethnicity, family relationships, or even identity.
by Zoe A, Year 11
Welcome to Performing Arts at Stella
Evan Browett
Head of Performing Arts
Last Monday, Year 11 and 12 Music students attended ENCORE at the Sydney Opera House, where they had the incredible opportunity to witness outstanding HSC music performances and compositions. The event showcased some of the highest-achieving HSC Music students from across NSW, delivering spectacular performances of various musical styles.
The concert featured an impressive array of solo performances on instruments such as piano, trumpet, tuba, and guitar, as well as expressive and passionate vocal performances. Each performance left us feeling inspired, reflecting the hard work, dedication, and creativity required to achieve such high standards.
Many students, while feeling a bit overwhelmed by the extraordinary talent displayed, ultimately left feeling motivated and enthusiastic about our own musical journeys at Stella Maris. Experiencing these exceptional performances has provided us with valuable insights into the expectations of the HSC Music 1 and 2 courses, encouraging us to strive for excellence.
by Bronte M
Welcome to Sport at Stella!
Jenny Wickham
Sports Coordinator and Teacher of PDHPE
The NSW All Schools Triathlon was held over two days at the Sydney International Regatta Centre at Penrith. The individual event was held on Wednesday 26 February. Stella had two students compete in the junior race: Charli S and Cate W. The junior individual race consisted of a 300m swim, 10km cycle and 2km run. Charli and Cate both performed very well, finishing in the top 50 of a big field. Well done!
Stella had nine teams competing at the teams event on Thursday 27 February. It was a hot and humid day, but the Stella teams still performed extremely well!
A huge congratulations to two of our junior teams who won the silver and the bronze medal of the NSWCCC category! This is a huge achievement as there are a large number of teams from all over NSW at the triathlon. All of the Stella teams had a fantastic day. They enjoyed participating in this challenging event, and achieved excellent results! Special mention to Lily L who finished 2nd overall in the junior swim and to Amelia M and Sarah C who recorded the fastest and second fastest run times of the day.
Well done to our medallists:
There are a number of NSWCCC sport selection trials coming up in the next couple of months. These include:
These selections are appropriate for students who have a high level of representative experience. The trial is for selection for a state level team, so only students who are currently playing at a very high level should consider attending. The trials are set age groups (often open and U16) so not all students will be eligible to trial. If you are unsure if your child should register to trial, please email jenny_wickham@stellamaris.nsw.edu.au and I can provide guidance.
Students who wish to trial for NSWCCC teams will need to get their parents to register on the NSWCCC website. Each sport trial has a registration closing date which is often up to a month prior to the trial. All information and registration details can be found on the NSWCCC site: https://csnsw.sport/
There are a number of sport carnivals and events coming up in the next few weeks.
Good luck to the students who are representing Stella at the :
Stella will be participating in the Bill Turner Trophy Competition again this year. Selections will be held in the coming week for a squad to play in this knock out competition. Students aged 15 and under who play at a high level are invited to trial. Information has been emailed to students.
Stella has entered the Mollie Dive Hockey Competition again this year. Games are held on Monday or Wednesday afternoons/evenings in term 2. Information has been emailed to students to register interest.
The Stella Cross Country carnival will take place on Tuesday 1 April. The carnival will be held at Queenscliff lagoon and along Manly Beachfront. The distances for the races are:
Please note that the 18 year age group will run 6km at the interschool carnivals.
Students have been emailed the link to sign up for the carnival.
All students are invited to attend cross country trainings which is held on Wednesday morning at 7.15am (meeting at the Scholastica gate).
This term, 11 eager Year 7 students have embarked on an exciting new adventure - the Stella Sailing Program. Over the course of eight Wednesday afternoon sessions, the girls are developing sailing skills while making lasting friendships on the water.
The program takes place from 4.15 to 6.30pm with students sailing Melges sports boats. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, the girls are learning to read the wind as they take turns at helming, working the main sheet, and trimming the jib.
Our students’ laughter and words of encouragement to each other can be heard across Middle Harbour as they navigate their boats from the Spit Bridge, past Balmoral Beach and towards Manly. They are embracing the opportunity to learn new skills with great enthusiasm and are making the most of every moment on the water! Well done, girls!
The Stella swimming carnival was held on Friday 28 February at Manly ‘Andrew Boy Charlton’ Aquatic Centre. It was a wonderful day to spend the last day of summer. The sun was shining and Stella spirit was on show all day!
The swimming performances in the pool were amazing. We had fast and very close championship races. The participation in the non-championship events was outstanding, with all students keen to get in and swim in lots of events. Year 12 had lots of fun enjoying the inflatable relay and were enthusiastic in leading the cheering all day. It was great to see so many amazing ‘animal’ outfits!
Highlights of the day included the closest ever Champion of Champions race, the house relay and the teacher vs Year 12 relay.
Congratulations to all of the students on their outstanding participation. It was so great to see such fantastic house spirit, amazing cheering and excellent swimming all day. A big thank you to the staff who worked hard in the heat. Well done to the Year 12s and the House Captains who led the school so well to make it such a great carnival.
Congratulations to our award winners on the day:
Cheering Award: Shinnick
Best Dressed Award: Georgia M
Champion of Champions: Jess O
Age Champions
12 years: Chloe W
13 years: Alice W
14 years: Charlie C
15 years: Freya C
16 years: Jess O
17+ years: Zara D
Champion House
1st: EGAN
2nd: Wood
3rd: Chisholm
4th: Smith
5th: Shinnick
6th: MacKillop
7th: Bashir
8th: Noonuccall
What's ahead in Term 1?
Clare Cahill
P&F President
Year 7 parents and carers, please remember to grab your tickets and join us for a unique social event exclusively for them at Freshwater Brewery in Brookvale on Thursday, March 20. Organised by your Year 7 WhatsApp admin and P&F Exec, it promises to be a relaxed and enjoyable evening.
Tickets are $19 and include your first drink and nibbles.
🔗 Grab your tickets here: https://events.humanitix.com/year-7-parent-and-carer-mixer
Chaps, fellas, dads, and significant male caregivers, you are warmly invited to join the Stella Fellas for an afternoon of barefoot bowls on Sunday 30 March, 2025, at the Manly Bowling Club (59 Raglan Street, Manly, NSW 2095), just a short walk from Manly Beach.
We look forward to the friendly competition and the chance to connect with other dads and male caregivers. This event offers comprehensive instruction and all the necessary equipment to ensure a fantastic bowling experience.
🎳 Tickets are on sale now for $29
🔗 https://events.humanitix.com/stella-fellas-barefoot-bowling
On Wednesday 19 March 19, the school will hold its Open Evening for prospective students from 4.00pm to 7.30pm. The P&F will operate the BBQ to support the school, and we need volunteers to help set up, cook, and serve approximately 500 sausages within three hours.
We still have a few spots to fill. We need six volunteers to cover one-hour shifts from 3.00pm to 8.00pm if you can spare an hour or two.
(It’s Clare, the P&F president’s birthday, so let’s give her the night off!)
🔗 Sign up by Friday 11 March: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A4CADA823A5FA7-54503467-stella
Join us for the P&F General Meeting on Thursday 3 April at 7:30pm, where we’ll discuss the exciting opportunities to take on roles within the P&F at the upcoming AGM in May. This is a fantastic chance to contribute to our community and shape the future of our programs. We’re also thrilled to host a special Q&A session with our new principal, Sharyn Quirk. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to meet Principal Quirk and learn about her vision for the school. Be sure to secure your spot now by registering at https://events.humanitix.com/s....
We are immensely grateful to everyone who joined us for the Stella Sunset Social last Thursday. Your energy truly made the evening special and highlighted the strength and warmth of our Stella Maris College community. A heartfelt thank you to all the parents and caregivers—both newcomers and returning—who spent the evening with us and to our dedicated volunteers, whose commitment ensured the event's success. A special shout-out to the P&F Exec, Linda Rowe, Catherine Fitzgerald and Nicole Bruin, who all contributed to the event.
We look forward to seeing you at different events throughout the year.
See Mrs Quirk's newsletter article for photos from the night.
Thank you to next fortnight's Canteen volunteers.
Majella Brady
Canteen Manager
Did you know that the Stella Canteen has introduced new items to our menu in 2025? Items include: nachos, chicken sliders, beef sliders, Greek salad, Caesar salad, lentil and halloumi salad and new bakery items.
We are always looking for new recruits. If you would like to volunteer at the canteen, in any capacity that you can give, we'd love to hear from you. Please email canteen@stellamaris.nsw.edu.au
Thank you, Majella and Cheryl
Monday 10 March |
Tuesday 11 March |
Wednesday 12 March |
Thursday 13 March |
Friday 14 March |
Emma McIver |
Sarah Olofinsky |
Daniel Jones |
Peta Pickup |
Lisa Hung |
Tracey Fowler |
Chloe Palmer |
Lorelle Gina |
Natalie Moschou |
Leigh Mason |
Sara McHugh |
Carolina Camilo Pinto |
Brooke Mountford |
Peta Alpen |
Monday 17 March |
Tuesday 18 March |
Wednesday 19 March |
Thursday 20 March |
Friday 21 March |
Jess Ozbay |
Amy Keary |
Catherine Hodson |
Orla Neville |
Duncan/Jenny Barnett |
Agnes Villanyi |
Emily Brannan |
Shannon Morell |
Sarah Bernie |
Marie Watson |
Lindie McKay |
Eve Harvey |
Nicole Hodgkinson |
Jo Bright |
Nicole Covich |
Verity Nolan |
Louise Stedman |
Nicole Holmes |
Welcome to the Stella Uniform Shop
Gail Hickey
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop is open Tuesdays to Thursdays from 8.00am to 4.30pm during term and can be emailed on:
It is time to start thinking about the Winter uniform! Year 10 students will require a Senior blazer and Senior skirt (these are different to the Junior uniform). Year 10 students are welcome to come in next week for their fitting – before or after school or lunchtime. From Tuesday 18 March, only lunchtime fittings will be available.
This also applies to new students this year. If parents/carers cannot attend a fitting, the Uniform Shop is able fit your daughter. Exchanges on sizes can be made the following day if required.
Many online orders are to be collected. Orders are ready for collection from Recess after the order has been placed. Reminders are only sent as a last resort.
Athletic shorts are now in stock. The cost is $52. These are not available online.
Sport track tops are due late next week. They will be posted online when available.
Dresses have been packed away to make room for Winter stock. A small number of most sizes can be purchased instore if required
Please follow this link to the P&F Facebook second hand page:
Term 1 Calendar Dates
Friday 7 March | Opening Mass + Principal's Commissioning | |
Wednesday 19 March | Open Evening | |
Thursday 20 March | Year 7 Parent/Carer Social - Freshwater Brewery | |
Thursday 27 - Friday 28 March | Year 10 Retreat | |
Sunday 30 March | Stella Fellas Barefoot Bowling (Manly Bowls Club) | |
Wednesday 9 April | Student Learning Conference 1 |
Term 1
Thursday 30 January | Term 1 Commences | ||
Friday 11 April | Term 1 Concludes |
Term 2
Tuesday 29 April | Term 2 Commences | ||
Friday 27 June | Term 2 Concludes |
Term 3
Tuesday 22 July | Term 3 Commences | |
Friday 26 September | Term 3 Concludes |
Term 4
Tuesday 14 October | Term 4 Commences | |
Tuesday 2 December | Term 4 Concludes |