From the archives
Warning: May cause a gush of unrestrained nostalgia!
The collection is small at this stage but watch it grow as more and more of our collection is digitized. Items of interest can be donated or photographed/scanned to add to our collection: photographs, uniforms, badges, reports, programs, exercise books, text books, or anything else you may want to send our way. If you prefer you could send us a photo or scan of your item. Email the Archivist if you have a little (or big!) piece of College history that you’d like to share. Click here for a brief history of the College.
Blast from the Past!
Click here to download a copy of QUASAR, the 1967 student magazine. Note the Sports Captain at the time. The magazine pdfs below take some time to download as they are large files. Please be patient. If the magazine you want doesn’t download in a few minutes please email the Archivist.