Term 1, Edition 01/25
06 FEBRUARY 2025
Previous Editions

From the Principal

Welcome to 2025!

Sharyn Quirk


As the new College Principal, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude for the warm and generous welcome I have received. The energy and enthusiasm that fills our community is truly inspiring, and it has been a privilege to witness firsthand the vibrancy that defines our school.

The first week has been nothing short of incredible. Our students returned with bright smiles and an eagerness to learn, bringing our campus to life. The excitement of our Year 7 students as they take their first steps in their secondary school journey is a joy to behold. Meanwhile, our Year 12 students have already immersed themselves deeply in their studies, demonstrating the determination and focus that will guide them through their final year. This overwhelming sense of engagement and passion, I have been told, is described as the ‘Stella’ atmosphere—a unique spirit that fosters a strong sense of belonging, ambition, and excellence. It is clear that this is a school where students are encouraged to pursue their dreams with commitment and courage.

Our dedicated staff also started the year with great enthusiasm, engaging wholeheartedly in professional learning days. These sessions not only provided valuable opportunities for collaboration but also ensured that every classroom, lesson, and learning environment was thoughtfully prepared for our students' return. Their dedication to fostering a rich and dynamic learning experience is a testament to the deep care and commitment that defines our teaching community.

A special acknowledgment must also go to our incredible support staff, who worked tirelessly throughout the break to ensure our grounds and facilities were in pristine condition. Their efforts have provided an inviting and well-maintained space for students to feel comfortable and inspired from day one.

In the midst of our new beginnings, we also had the privilege of celebrating the exceptional achievements of the Class of 2024. Their dedication to academic excellence, perseverance, and pursuit of their dreams is truly commendable. This cohort exemplifies what it means to be lifelong learners—embracing challenges, striving for excellence, and remaining committed to their personal and academic goals. Their success serves as an inspiration to our current students, reminding them that with dedication and hard work, anything is possible.

Our high achieving Class of 2024 students following Tuesday's assembly

As we look ahead to the year with excitement, it is also fitting to take a moment to reflect on our rich history. February 2nd marked a significant milestone in our tradition, as we honour the foundation of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan of the Order of Saint Benedict. On this day in 1857, Agnes Clark, Margaret Byrne, Mary Anne Adamson, Agnes Mary Hart and Margaret Clark, answered the call of Archbishop Polding and, under the guidance of Sister Scholastica Gibbons, formed the first Australian congregation of the Good Samaritan Sisters. Their mission was clear—to be beacons of kindness, charity, and service. Archbishop Polding himself described their purpose beautifully:

“The name indicates the scope, since the Religious are called to imitate the charity of the kind Samaritan who was moved to pity the poor wounded man, and having poured oil and wine into his wounds to heal him, afterwards conveyed him to a place of security. In like manner, the Religious are to use all gentleness and compassion for the unhappy whom they are to tend…Therefore as directed by their Superiors the Sisters are to teach in schools, visit and assist the sick in their own homes and in hospitals…to conduct orphanages, …and to apply themselves to every other charitable work.”

This legacy of service and compassion remains at the heart of our community today. It is a reminder that our school is more than just a place of learning—it is a place where we strive to nurture not only knowledge but also kindness, generosity, and a spirit of service.

This year, our College embraces the theme of Peace and Justice, reflecting our commitment to fostering a community where respect, inclusion, and compassion thrive. This theme is deeply aligned with Pope Francis’ Year of Hope, as we celebrate the Jubilee Year—a time of renewal, faith, and joy. As we embark on this journey together, let us be inspired to work towards a world where peace and justice are not just ideals, but lived experiences. Let us carry forward the mission of the Good Samaritan Sisters by embodying hope in our daily lives, standing for what is right, and ensuring that each member of our community feels valued and supported.

I am excited for all that this year will bring and am honoured to lead such a wonderful and vibrant community. Together, we will continue to foster a culture of learning, support, and excellence.

Wishing you all a fantastic start to the year!

Warm regards,



Don't miss this edition's important notices...

NAPLAN 2025 for Years 7 and 9

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a point in time assessment of literacy and numeracy skills. Students in Years 7 and 9 will participate in NAPLAN tests in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy during Weeks 7 and 8 this term – 12 to 17 March. Catch-up sessions will occur for students who are absent.

In preparation for NAPLAN, the College will be conducting familiarisation activities and practice test sessions with students in the weeks preceding the NAPLAN tests.

Additionally, students are encouraged to access the public demonstration site (https://www.nap.edu.au/naplan/...) to familiarise themselves further with the types of questions in each domain and the tools available in NAPLAN tests.

Further information regarding NAPLAN will be provided closer to the dates, via the College App.

Stella App

Thank you parents/carers who have changed their App subscriptions to reflect their daughter's 2025 year level (this will ensure you receive relevant communication).

This can be done by tapping on 'More' in the bottom footer and then 'Settings' to access subscriptions.

A reminder to all new (and returning) families, that the Stella App is the primary channel for general College communication and it is vital that you download it to stay updated with College information.

Term 1 Extra-curricular Timetable

The Term 1 Extra-curricular Timetable is now available. Click on the link below for the full array of opportunities available to students. Please note that dance rehearsal days for each group/ensemble will be communicated once auditions have concluded.

Junior General Excellence Scholarships

Applications for Junior General Excellence Scholarships are now open. They offer full or part remission of the tuition fee for Years 7, 8 and 9. Applications are open to enrolled students commencing at Stella in Year 7 2026 or external candidates (current Year 6 students).

Testing will be conducted at the College on Saturday 22 February from 8.15am to 12.30pm. The cost to apply is $140. Please note that applications close on Friday 14 February.

For scholarships terms and conditions, and to apply, please click on the link below.

Save the Date - International Women's Day Breakfast (Thursday 6 March)

We are excited to announced that tickets to the second annual Stella International Women's Day Breakfast at Manly Golf Club go on sale on Monday. Form a table with students and parents/carers in your daughter's year level to hear from an inspiring panel of Stella alumni over a delicious breakfast. Look out for your invitation on Monday. Tickets are strictly limited.

Supporting Men to Connect to their Teens

This two night workshop (12 and 19 March) provides tips and tools to help dads and male carers connect to their teen. Men's counsellor and father of two teens, Adrian Workman, will lead this interactive forum.

Campus Holiday Work

The campus was a hive of activity in the holidays. In line with the College’s efforts to maintain a campus which is fit for purpose for students and staff, the College undertakes regular maintenance works on campus. During this holiday period key maintenance works were completed at Main Campus and our Benedict Campus. The canteen exterior received a facelift including the installation of an electronic menu board! Student lockers also received a facelift ready for the return of students last week! Our inclusive learning area was expanded with increased workspaces for staff and students. Much to the delight of our students who returned to hot summer weather, air conditioning was installed in our music practice rooms! At our Benedict campus the bathrooms were given a facelift and landscaping completed.

Community Notices

12 Angry Jurors - coming to Star of the Sea Theatre

Point Break Theatre Company is super excited to announce their upcoming production of the brilliant American play, "12 Angry Jurors" ( men and women) at the Star of the Sea Theatre, Manly from 27 March to 6 April.

Give Blood

Got a bit of time this month? Time to give blood and change lives? 1 in 3 people in Dee Why will need blood, and they need people like you to give it. We’re rolling into town from 15 to 27 February. Don’t forget to pre-book your spot at lifeblood.com.au, on our app or on 13 14 95.

Dee Why Mobile Blood Donor Centre

Saturday 15 February 9 am – 2 pm
Sunday 16 February 9 am – 2 pm

Monday 17 February 1 pm – 6 pm
Tuesday 18 February 1 pm – 6 pm
Wednesday 19 February 1 pm – 6 pm
Thursday 20 February 1 pm – 6 pm
Friday 21 February 9 am – 2 pm
Saturday 22 February 9 am – 2 pm
Sunday 23 February 9 am – 2 pm

Monday 24 February 1 pm – 6 pm
Tuesday 25 February 1 pm – 6 pm
Wednesday 26 February 1 pm – 6 pm
Thursday 27 February 1 pm – 6 pm


Student Services Reminders

Supporting your daughter on her Stella journey

The information below is published to help parents/carers navigate College procedures.

Absences, Early Exits or Late Arrivals

Parents/caregivers are required to notify of a student’s absence as soon as practical and no later than seven days from the first day of absence using our Stella App (under the Absentee tile). Where your daughter is absent with an illness, provide a brief explanation of symptoms (eg cold, headache, COVID-19 etc).

Where students are involved in Elite Sport/Arts, please submit your request for approval via the Stella App.

Early Exit or Late Arrival

Where a student is exiting before the official end of the school day (prior to 3:20pm), is arriving late to school (after 8:50am), or will be absent from a before or after school lesson, please notify Student Services as soon as practical. The student is required to visit Student Services to sign-in or sign-out of school grounds. *Year 7 to 10 students will need to be collected from Student Services by a parent/caregiver when departing the school grounds early.*

Where a student is leaving during a lesson, the student is to visit Student Services (before school, during Recess or Lunch) to obtain a Leave Pass to give to the teacher allowing them to be released from class. The student then proceeds to the Student Services office to meet parent/caregiver and be signed-out of school grounds.

Where a student is leaving during Recess or Lunch, the student is to proceed to the Student Services office to meet the parent/caregiver and sign-out of the school grounds.

* 10 students can leave the school grounds without a parent/caregiver if we have received this request in writing via the Stella App.

Student illness during school hours

Where a student is feeling unwell, they can visit the Student Services office. Our team will conduct a basic assessment with a view for them to return to lessons.

Parents/caregivers will be contacted if it is best for the student to be sent home.

Medical Plans and Medication

Where a student has a serious medical condition which requires a rapid response you must upload information to Consent2Go.

This would include:

  • a clearly scanned Health Care Plan (may also be known as a Medical Plan, Care Plan or Action Plan), and
  • associated in-date medication (either prescribed or over-the-counter). Parents/caregivers will be notified if medication is due to expire.

Contact our Student Services office for assistance or guidance.

Over-the-counter medication

Our staff do not provide, supply or administer 'over-the-counter' medication (eg Panadol, Clarantyne, Zyrtec etc).

This is in accordance with NSW Government - Education, where schools do not generally supply or administer medications, unless they have been provided by parents/caregivers, as part of an individual health care plan for a specific student.

NSW Health advises that ‘over-the- counter’ medication may still be harmful and schools should follow the same procedures for non-prescribed medications as for prescribed medications.

It should be noted however that in any life-threatening situation, the welfare of the student is paramount and must be dealt with immediate priority, even if there is no appropriate individual Health Care Plan in place.

Special Notes

  • Please label personal belongings (including wireless devices), uniforms, pencil cases and lunch containers so they can be returned to students.
  • The Kiss and Drop Zones is located at: - Iluka Avenue 8:00am - 9:30am and 2:30pm - 4:00pm, Please respect our neighbours and avoid obstructing driveways.
  • P Plate drivers are encouraged to read all parking signage as significant penalties can apply. All student drivers must complete a driving contract - students to see the Head of Year.

Duke of Edinburgh News

An invitation to Year 9 students to join the Duke of Ed program.

Linda Silburn

Co-ordinator of Duke of Edinburgh Award

New Opportunity for Joiners!

As the new year continues, we are excited to invite Year 9 students to join the Duke of Edinburgh program! The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a program designed to help young people build skills, confidence, and resilience through activities like volunteering, physical challenges, and adventurous hikes—including the chance to travel to Tasmania or even Cambodia. The program has three levels—Bronze, Silver, and Gold—and is all about personal growth and stepping outside your comfort zone. Please follow the link for more information about the award https://dukeofed.com.au/

Gold Residential Experience - Cambodia December 2024

Reflection on Cambodia: Olivia S

As part of the Duke of Ed Gold Award, 16 girls had the incredible opportunity to travel to Cambodia. This experience allowed them to immerse themselves in a completely new environment and gain insight into the culture and daily lives of young children and adults living in poverty. Accompanied by Ms. Silburn, Ms. Bradstreet, and two ex-students, they learned about Cambodia’s rich, yet deeply tragic history while connecting with hundreds of students across three different schools, including the Happy Days School which provides underprivileged children in Cambodia with essential English education—an opportunity they might not otherwise have.

Thanks to the generosity of our Stella community, we were able to raise $17,000 through our auction site and take over hundreds of donations, including bikes, clothes, stationery, LEGO, and other toys. The excitement and gratitude from the students was truly heartwarming, and it was amazing for the girls to see first-hand how these contributions made a real difference.

During their three days visiting the schools, they spent time talking, playing, and sharing moments with the children. Their joy and gratitude were unlike anything they had ever experienced. One of the highlights was providing 40 new bikes and handing out fresh uniforms to every student at one of the schools. They also had the chance to meet ex-students that Stella Maris has sponsored to attend university, seeing the long-term impact of our support.

Beyond their school visits, they explored Cambodia’s stunning landmarks, including the famous Angkor Wat and the temple where Tomb Raider was filmed. They also visited an elephant sanctuary, where they had the unforgettable experience of walking, feeding, hugging, and washing the elephants. Another highlight was visiting the APOPO Rat Centre, where they learned about the incredible rats trained to detect landmines, helping to clear Cambodia’s land safely and effectively. Throughout the trip, they enjoyed authentic Cambodian cuisine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner—and even took part in a cooking class one day!

This trip was truly life changing. It gave me a new sense of appreciation and gratitude for everything I have. Seeing the resilience and happiness of those with so little was inspiring, and I will carry these lessons with me forever.

Myall Lakes Silver Canoe Adventure November 2024

Reflection: Ruby C, Year 11

Last year, 22 Year 10 girls were lucky enough to experience a five-day canoe trip around Myall Lakes. It was an extremely challenging and tiring trip but made us closer to one another and created a lot of funny memories. We learnt how to work as a team and push against our limits to succeed. We paddled over 80km in the canoe in five days where we faced some extreme weather conditions including lightning, thunder and white cap waves. Some days were made even more challenging by the extreme heat, but we were able to jump in the water and cool ourselves down to feel a bit better. By the end of the trip, we learnt how to navigate as a team and lead the group in the direction of our campsite using only a map and a compass. 

One of our favourite highlights was when we sat in our canoes absolutely exhausted and not able to keep paddling and tell randoms stories to each other which created a lot of laughter. Ms Silburn and Mr Ford were lucky enough to hear about it and by the end they knew everything about each of us. One of the girls also brought a speaker which was very exciting as we could blast our music all throughout the day to help us keep paddling. Moana songs were very popular as we sang the whole soundtrack on repeat.  Thank you to the teachers who made it all possible.

Glenworth Valley Horse riding Silver Adventurous Journey 2024

Congratulations to the five very capable Year 10 girls who completed their silver adventurous journey on horseback in the beautiful Glenworth Valley. The girls completed lessons in horsemanship, cross-country riding, and trail riding whilst camping and remaining self-sufficient for the five days. The girls thoroughly enjoyed their experience and were praised by the staff for their maturity and enthusiasm.

Dates for the diary:

  • Bronze Introductory Training Afternoon (new award participants): 11 March, 3.30pm - 6.00pm
  • Silver Snowy Mountain Adventurous Journey: 4 –9 April
  • Gold Tasmania Three Capes Adventurous Journey: 25 – 30 April
  • Bronze Pack and Paddle Adventurous Journey: 12 –14 June

Student Success

Congratulations to students receiving awards at this week's Assembly.

Languages Department

Natalia B-F achieved first place in the 2024 Year 9 Italian course at NSW School of Languages. The Languages Department was thrilled that Natalia’s outstanding achievement was acknowledged at the College opening Assembly on Tuesday, where her award was presented to her by the Principal, Mrs Sharyn Quirk.

Commitment to College Awards

Congratulations to students who were presented with their Commitment to College Awards and their newly embroidered blazers at Tuesday's assembly. We look forward to presenting additional recipients who elected to receive a badge when they arrive at the College.

The 'Commitment to College Award' recognises, acknowledges, celebrates and rewards students for their engaged involvement and leadership in co-curricular activities, whilst modelling exemplary demonstration of what it means to be a Stella Girl.

Congratulations to: Abi T, Abigail M, Alana R, Alexis H, Amelie P, Audrey H, Ava J, Bella Joy L, Bridey C, Bronte S, Caitlin R, Charli C, Chloe R, Ella H, Ella H, Emily G, Erica R, Eva R, Evie G, Francesca S, Georgette M, Georgia M, India C, Isla M, Jessica O, Lily T, Madison W, Nina A, Olivia R, Rose M, Ruby C, Sanna M, Saoirse F, Sophie L, Tara K and Zara D.


Performing Arts News

Welcome to Performing Arts at Stella

Evan Browett

Head of Performing Arts

Welcome to Performing Arts for 2025

We are looking forward to another busy year in Performing Arts at Stella. We have a wonderful team of teachers who run our Performing Arts classes, extra-curricular ensembles and private lessons. For those new to the College, I would like to introduce the Performing Arts staff here at Stella.

Music Teachers
Mr Evan Browett, Mr Rob Sutcliffe, Ms Lotus Kypriotis, Ms Ines Paxton

Dance Teacher
Ms Rochelle Jones

Drama Teacher
Ms Kristen Nicola, Ms Chloe Christensen, Mr Mitchell Smith

Performing Arts Support
Mrs Leanne Haines

Performing Arts Extra Curricular Opportunities

Music Ensembles

Performance Band
Performing in the concert band style, open to all instrumental musicians in Years 7-12 with no audition and rehearsing once a week. This ensemble allows students to tackle a range of challenging repertoire, from contemporary to the classics, and will extend their musicality and ensemble performance skills. This band performs at College events and represents the College in performances in the local community. For those musicians that are keen but less experienced, we support students with additional small group rehearsals to help with any challenging repertoire. Performance Band rehearses Wednesday mornings 7:30am.

Jazz Band

Performing in the jazz style, open to all instrumental musicians and rehearsing once a week on Tuesday at lunchtime.

String Group

Performing string repertoire, open to all string musicians (violin, viola, cello, double bass) and rehearsing weekly.

Contemporary Band

Performing contemporary music, open to all instrumental musicians/vocalists and rehearsing at various times before and after school.

Vocal Ensemble

Performing a mix of repertoire, open to all vocalists and rehearsing once a week on Thursday at lunchtime.

Senior Vocal Ensemble

Performing a mix of repertoire, open to vocalists by audition/ invitation and rehearsing once a week before school on Tuesday morning.

Guitar Ensemble

Performing a mix of repertoire, open to all guitarists and bass players and rehearsing once a week on Wednesday at lunchtime.

Drum Club

Performing various styles, open to all musicians and rehearsing one day a week before school on Thursday morning.

‘Tune Up’

A remedial lunchtime club to assist music students with any deficits in music theory or assist with composition, listening or performance techniques available on Monday at lunchtime.

You can sign up to one of the above Music ensembles by clicking here.

Private Instrumental/ Vocal tuition

We also offer private instrumental/ vocal tuition at the College. Lessons take place during the school day on a rotating timetable, so the girls do not miss time in the same class. Lessons are available on Violin, Viola, Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Saxophone, Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Euphonium, Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Bass Guitar, Ukulele, Piano, Drum kit, Voice.

You can sign up to private instrumental vocal tuition by clicking here.


This year the ensembles will run a little differently with more specific groups for what sort of Drama you are interested in. Two of the groups will be audition based and one will be no audition required. The ensembles will run for a Semester (either Term 1-2 or Terms 3-4) and at the end of Semester a Drama night will showcase the works you have been working on. If you would like to try a different ensemble in Semester 2 you are able to change at this time to explore something different.

Drama Ensemble Timetable

Monday Morning – Theatresports and Improvisation (Years 7 -12, no audition required). Open to all students who would like to improve their confidence and quick thinking on stage through improvisation and theatresports workshops and performances.

Wednesday Morning - Play Production Ensemble (Year 8 – 12, audition-based entry)

Friday Morning – Musical Theatre Ensemble (Year 7 – 12, audition-based entry). Please note you will be required to participate in acting, singing and movement in this ensemble.

There will be a meeting at Lunch this Friday 7 February in the Theatre for all students that would like to audition for the Play Production Ensemble or Musical Theatre Ensemble with Ms Nicola. More information regarding these groups will be discussed at this time.

You can sign up to one of the above Drama ensembles by clicking here.


Dance auditions began this week with an abundance of energy and excitement.

There are a large number of teams to try out for and many students to see. From what I have seen so far, 2025 is going to be a fantastic year of dance!

Below is the updated timetable for the auditions. Don’t forget to register or email Miss Jones the groups you would like to try out: Rochelle_jones@stellamaris.nsw.edu.au.

* These are not necessarily the days actual classes will be held on.

Students have been asked to register for auditions by completing the Registration Form (only students can access this link). https://forms.office.com/r/DWVZbN3yX9

Extension Company Additional Information

*Extension Jazz Company Auditions – This is our largest dance group. In order to make the audition process run more smoothly and quickly, this group was auditioned last year (2024). I will, however, look at any student who is interested in being considered for Extension Jazz Company in the Jazz Company Auditions on Monday 3 February. If I think you might be suitable for the Extension Jazz Company I will then ask you to attend an invitation audition on Wednesday 5 February. Please be sure to let Miss Jones know that you are interested in Ext Jazz by selecting it on the registration form or by telling her in person at the Jazz Company Audition on Monday 3 February.

Extension Lyrical Company – This group will rehearse on Thursday mornings ONLY until the routine is completely learnt and polished. This usually takes all of Term 1. After Term 1 Thursdays will be used to rehearse Ext Lyrical, Ext Contemporar,y and Ext Commercial Jazz on a rotation schedule as needed. This means Ext Jazz is the only regular class that the Extension dancers need to attend every week (Wednesdays). This is done to ease the load on the elite level dancers who have high training commitments outside of school

Still to be auditioned (these will take place after the first two weeks of Auditions):

Extension Contemporary Company – this group will be auditioned after a few weeks and will be learnt in a block on Sundays or during the holidays to ease the load on the elite level dancers who have high training commitments outside of school. Rehearsals will then be held on Thursday mornings only as needed (once or twice before each performance).

Extension Commercial Jazz Company - this group will be auditioned after a few weeks and will be learnt in a block on Sundays or during the holidays to ease the load on the elite level dancers who have high training commitments outside of school. Rehearsals will then be held on Thursday mornings only as needed (once or twice before each performance).

Audition Questions

Do I audition for everything? What if I don’t get in? - I suggest you audition for everything you want to be considered for in the first week if you can manage it. This way the teachers/choreographers get to see you more and get to know you better. It also gives you more opportunity, because you may be nervous the first day and not perform your best, or you may have trouble picking up choreography if you haven’t worked with the teachers before. For example – my choreography for jazz is very fast and complex and a lot of people find it difficult to pick up at first. Then, if you aren’t successful in getting into an Extension Company or Company group you can attend the Ensemble auditions in the second week.

Please note: there are limited places in each group – we can only take a maximum of 30 students per group (due to some competition rules) so you may not get into everything you would like to. I try to make sure everyone gets in to at least one dance group out of Company or Ensemble or Performance Group.

Extension Jazz is the most difficult to get in to because the girls stay in that group every year so the only spaces that become available are due to the Year 12s that graduate and leave. This means there are only 3-5 positions available in Extension Jazz.

What do I wear?

For Extension Company and Company auditions dancewear is required – leggings or shorts with a crop top, leotard and singlet or t shirt. Please bring a turning shoe or jazz shoes in case we do turns. Sneakers/runners can be worn for Hip Hop.

For Ensemble Auditions you may wear dancewear or your sport uniform. No shoes are required. Sneakers/runners can be worn for Hip Hop.

What will happen at the audition? - Students will be taught a short combo which they will then be asked to perform in small groups. If time allows, they may also be taken through some corner technique (turns, kicks, and leaps).

Audition Breakdown:

  • 7:25am – 7:30am – Roll call (please make sure you have warmed up beforehand)
  • 7:30am – 7:55am – Combo is taught to the dancers
  • 7:55am – 8:25am – Students perform the combo in small groups of 3-5

I can’t wait to see you all!

Miss Jones
Teacher of Dance

Mater Dei Visit

On Friday 22 November, Performance Band travelled to Mater Dei school in Camden where we shared the joy of live music with their wonderful students.

As the band played, it was incredible to see both groups of students fully engaged - clapping, singing along, and even dancing to the music. One of the highlights of the day was the instrument demonstrations, where our students had the chance to showcase their instruments up close.

Beyond the music, what stood out most was the connection between our students and theirs. Music has a unique way of bringing people together, and this visit was a perfect example of that. I’m so proud of our Performance Band for their enthusiasm, talent, and the way they represented the College.

A big thank you Mr Sutcliffe and the Music Staff and to Mater Dei for having us—we can’t wait for the next opportunity to visit.


Sports News

Welcome to Sport at Stella!

Jenny Wickham

Sports Coordinator and Teacher of PDHPE

NSWCCC Blues Awards

Congratulations to Pip Q (Year 10) who has been presented with the NSWCCC Blues award for the third consecutive year.

The NSW Blues award is a very prestigious award given to the students who achieve at a state and national level in school sport. Only a small number of students are presented with this award, so to receive the award for three consecutive years is amazing!

Pip was awarded the NSWCCC Outstanding Award for her achievements in Cross Country in 2024.

Pip also had a great season on the athletics track! She represented Stella and NSW at the Australian All Schools Athletics Championships in Brisbane and Melbourne in December. Pip finished 5th in the 1500m and won the BRONZE medal in the 3000m.

Congratulations Pip on such amazing achievements in athletics and cross country.

    Stella Sports Stars

    Over the holidays several of our Stella sporting stars represented NSW in various sports.

    Hockey: Congratulations to Isla S and Rileigh S who were both selected into the NSW Indoor Hockey teams. Isla played in the NSW U14 team and won the silver medal, while Rileigh played in the U16 team which finished 5th. Rileigh was also selected into the NSW State U16 team and will play at the national championships in Adelaide in April.

    Futsal: A number of Stella students represented NSW at the National Futsal Championships in Melbourne in January. Well done to the following students who competed and finished with a bronze medal:

    Lola H, Emily S, Camille C and Charlotte C

    Rugby 7s: Congratulations to Lara M who has been selected into the NSW U16 Rugby 7s team. She will play against Queensland in Brisbane this weekend.

    Term 1 Sport

    Stella sport is already up and running for the year and we are excited to already have so many students signed up to so many different sports. There are a large variety of sports for the students to choose from this term. If your daughter has not yet signed up, please contact the Sport Department if she is interested in joining one of the following sports.






    Games: Saturday
    Training: Tuesday


    Years 7 - 10


    Training: various days

    4.00 – 8.00pm
    4.00 – 8.00pm
    4.00 – 8.00pm

    Year 7 – 8
    Year 9 – 10
    Year 11- 12
    All teams

    Cross Country


    7.15am (commencing 19/2)

    All year groups

    Group Fitness



    All year groups




    All year groups

    Rugby 7s


    7.15am (commencing 19/2)

    All year groups




    All year groups

    Sprint Training



    Years 7 - 9


    Tuesday and Thursday


    Years 8 - 12

    Tennis Lessons



    All year groups

    Tennis Comp



    All year groups

    Tildesley Tennis

    Wednesday and Friday


    All year groups

    Touch - IGSA

    Games: Saturday
    Training: Wed or Fri


    All year groups

    Touch – Pen Cup

    Games: Monday
    Training: Friday


    All year groups

    Water polo

    Games: Friday
    Training: Mon, Wed, Thurs

    7.00 – 9.00pm

    Years 7 - 8

    Water polo

    Games: Friday

    7.00 – 9.00pm
    (commencing April)

    Years 10 - 12

    Representative Sport

    There is also a number of representative sport carnivals this term. Stella will select teams to represent at these carnivals. The Term 1 Representative Carnival Calendar is as follows:





    26th Feb (Individual)
    27th Feb (Relay event)

    NSWCCC Carnival
    Information has been emailed to students.


    Date TBC

    CGSSSA Gala Day
    One open team


    11th March

    CGSSSA – three teams
    Junior, Inter, Senior


    14th March

    IGSA – experience needed


    14th March



    18th March



    19th – 20th March

    Tildesley (IGSA)

    Rugby 7s

    7th April

    Peninsula Cup

    There are also several NSWCCC sport trials this term for students who are at the highest level of their sport. Students who compete at a high representative level may be considered to attend these trials. Information (including registration details may be found on the NSWCCC website: https://csnsw.sport/sports/nswccc

    Parents are responsible for registering their child to trial at the various NSWCCC trials. Approval must be given from Mrs Jenny Wickham (Head of Sport) before the registration is approved.

    Some NSWCCC sport trials that will be during Term 1 include:







    15 & U

    5th and 6th May


    Wagga Wagga



    13th and 14th May
    14th May

    2nd May




    4th and 5th May





    3rd March

    21st Feb




    7th April

    21st March


    Rugby 7s


    8th April
    9th April

    13th March


    Rugby League


    1st April
    8th April


    Selection via CGSSSA



    11th Feb





    3rd March

    21st Feb



    15 & U

    7th March

    14th Feb

    Netball Central

    NSWCCC Triathlon

    The NSWCCC triathlon will be held at the Sydney International Regatta Centre in Penrith on the 26 and 27 February.

    The individual event will be held on 26 February. Students who wish to compete in this event will need to make their own transport arrangements to and from the event. Parents will need to register their child on the NSWCCC website:


    Registrations close on February 19.

    Stella will enter teams into the relay event. Students will compete as a group of three, where one student swims, one cycles and one runs. Students have been emailed with details and a link to register interest in competing in this event.

    Stella Maris College Swimming Carnival

    Save the date: Friday 28 February 2025 – Manly Andrew Boy Charlton Aquatic Centre.

    The Stella Maris Swimming Carnival is a highlight of the school year! We are looking forward to a great day of swimming, cheering and lots of fun.

    All information about the carnival will be sent to students via emails and year meetings. Look out for more details in the next Stella Newsletter.


    P&F News

    What's ahead in Term 1?

    Clare Cahill

    P&F President

    Welcome to Term 1 of 2025, on behalf of the P&F!

    We’re excited to kick off the year with some fantastic events.

    Upcoming P&F Events for Term 1

    Stella Sunset Social: Thursday 20 February - Welcome to (Back to) School

    Join us at the Stella Sunset Social to kick off the new school year, meet our Year 7 parents and carers, and welcome our new principal, Sharyn Quirk. This lovely evening, from 6:30 to 8:30pm in the school courtyard, offers a fantastic opportunity to connect with our new parents and carers while engaging with our wider community. This event follows the welcome for Year 7 parents and carers with their daughter's Pastoral Care teachers (from 5.30pm - 6.30pm).

    Tickets are now available for $29, which includes drinks, snacks, and entertainment. $2 from each ticket will be donated to the Good Sams Foundation.

    🔗 Register here: https://events.humanitix.com/stella-sunset-social-2025

    💡 We could use your help to manage this event! If you're keen to volunteer, please sign up here:
    🔗 https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A4CADA823A5FA7-54663524-stella

    Year 7 Social at Freshwater Brewery: Thursday 20 March

    Join us for a unique social event exclusively for Year 7 parents and carers at Freshwater Brewery in Brookvale on Thursday 20 March. Hosted by your Year 7 WhatsApp admin and P&F Exec, this casual and enjoyable evening will be held on Thursday 20 March.

    Tickets are $19 and include your first drink and nibbles.

    🔗 Get your tickets here: https://events.humanitix.com/year-7-parent-and-carer-mixer

    Stella Fellas Barefoot Bowling – Sunday 30 March, at Manly Bowling Club

    You're warmly invited to join the Stella Fellas for an afternoon of Barefoot Bowls on Sunday 30 March 2025, at the Manly Bowling Club (59 Raglan Street, Manly, NSW 2095), just a short stroll from Manly Beach.

    Look forward to some friendly competition and a chance to connect with other dads and male carers. This includes thorough instruction and all the necessary gear to guarantee a fantastic bowling time.

    🎳 Tickets are on sale now for $29
    🔗 https://events.humanitix.com/stella-fellas-barefoot-bowling

    Help Needed - Open Evening BBQ – Wednesday 19 March

    On Wednesday 19 March the school will host its Open Evening for prospective students from 4.00pm - 7.30pm. The P&F will operate the BBQ to support the school, and we need volunteers to help set up, cook, and serve about 500 sausages within three hours.

    If you can spare an hour or two, we’ll need around 20 volunteers to cover one-hour shifts from 3.00pm to 8.00pm.

    🔗 Sign up by Friday 11 March: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A4CADA823A5FA7-54503467-stella

    Key P&F Dates for 2025: Mark Your Calendars!

    Term 1

    Stella Sunset Social - Welcome EventFeb 20Tickets: $29
    🔗 https://events.humanitix.com/stella-sunset-social-2025

    Year 7, 2025 Parent Mixer at Freshwater BreweryMarch 20Tickets: $19
    🔗 https://events.humanitix.com/year-7-parent-and-carer-mixer

    P&F General MeetingThursday 3 April, 7.30pm
    🔗 Sign up to stay informed: https://events.humanitix.com/stella-maris-p-and-f-general-meeting

    Stella Fellas Barefoot BowlingMarch 30, 3.00 - 5.00pmTickets: $29
    🔗 https://events.humanitix.com/stella-fellas-barefoot-bowling

    We can't wait to see you at these fantastic events! Your support and involvement strengthen our school community.


    Uniform Shop News

    Welcome to the Stella Uniform Shop

    Gail Hickey

    Uniform Shop

    The Uniform Shop is open Tuesdays to Thursdays from 8.00am to 4.30pm during term and can be emailed on:


    The Year 7 Art Packs are now available to order online. These are for Year 7 students doing Art in Semester 1.

    Students in other years can purchase single items as a top up in the Uniform Shop.

    Year 9 Elective Music students are asked to prepay their Music Theory books at the Uniform Shop. Mrs Haines has notified parents/carers.

    Please follow this link to the P&F Facebook second hand page:


    Canteen News

    Thank you to all our Canteen volunteers throughout 2025.

    Majella Brady

    Canteen Manager

    Welcome to all our new and returning volunteers. Thank you sincerely for assisting us in 2025.

    We are always looking for new recruits. If you would like to volunteer at the canteen, in any capacity that you can give, we'd love to hear from you. Please email canteen@stellamaris.nsw.edu.au

    Thank you, Majella and Cheryl

    Week commencing Monday 10 February

    Monday 10 Feb

    Tuesday 11 Feb

    Wednesday 12 Feb
    Help needed please!

    Thursday 13 Feb
    Help needed please!

    Friday 14 Feb
    Help needed please!

    Emma McIver

    Sarah Olofinsky

    Amanda Smerdon

    Peta Pickup

    Lisa Hung

    Peta Alpen

    Chloe Palmer

    Daniel Jones

    Carolina Camilo Pinto

    Natalie Moschou

    Kelly Hindman

    Sara McHugh

    Week commencing Monday 17 February

    Monday 17 Feb

    Tuesday 18 Feb

    Wednesday 19 Feb
    Help needed please!

    Thursday 20 Feb

    Friday 21 Feb

    Jess Ozbay

    Amy Keary

    Shannon Morrell

    Orla Neville

    Duncan/Jenny Barnett

    Agnes Villanyi

    Emily Brannan

    Nicole Hodkinson

    Sarah Bernie

    Marie Watson

    Lindie McKay

    Eve Harvey

    Nicole Holmes

    Nicole Covich

    Joanne Bright


    Calendar Dates

    Term 1 Calendar Dates

    Term 1

    Thursday 20 FebruaryYear 7 PC Parent/Carer Welcome (5.30pm - 6.30pm)

    Sunset Social (all school welcome - 6.30pm - 7.30pm)

    Saturday 22 FebruaryYear 7 2026 Junior General Excellence Scholarship Exam
    Friday 28 February

    Stella Swimming Carnival

    Monday 3 - Wednesday 5 March

    Year 7 Camp

    Thursday 6 MarchInternational Women's Day Breakfast
    Friday 7 MarchOpening Mass + Principal's Commissioning
    Wednesday 19 MarchOpen Evening
    Thursday 20 MarchYear 7 Parent/Carer Social
    Thursday 27 - Friday 28 MarchYear 10 Retreat
    Sunday 30 March

    Stella Fellas Barefoot Bowling (Manly Bowls Club)

    Wednesday 9 AprilStudent Learning Conference 1


    Term 1

    Thursday 30 January

    Term 1 Commences

    Friday 11 April

    Term 1 Concludes

    Term 2

    Tuesday 29 AprilTerm 2 Commences
    Friday 27 JuneTerm 2 Concludes

    Term 3

    Tuesday 22 JulyTerm 3 Commences
    Friday 26 SeptemberTerm 3 Concludes

    Term 4

    Tuesday 14 OctoberTerm 4 Commences
    Tuesday 2 DecemberTerm 4 Concludes