Term 2, Edition 7
16 MAY 2024
Previous Editions

From the Principal

There's been press conferences, milestone occasions and special assemblies to celebrate....

Sharyn Quirk


Stella Steps Up

This week Northern Beaches Council and the NSW Police held a joint media conference at Manly Beach to launch the new E-Bike Code for the Northern Beaches. Ms Smith, Adelaide Y (Year 8) and Milly R (Year 11) were there to speak about what Stella has put in place to support young people riding e-bikes.

The E-Bike Code asks riders to:

  • Slow down to walking pace when others are on the path
  • Ring your bell and call ‘on your right’ to let others know you’re approaching
  • Be ready for sudden changes – people, pets and prams can be unpredictable

Stella has set its own requirements for students parking their e-bikes at school and we are pleased that parents/carers have unanimously supported us in our efforts to keep our students and other road users safe. For students to park their bikes at school, their parents/carers must confirm the bike is capped at the legal speed, that their child has read the rules for cyclists, and that they have passed the practice Learners Driver test. The more informed our young people are, the more likely they are to make the right choices.

Here are some facts regarding e-bikes.

  • E-bikes are subject to the same road rules as bicycles. To be considered a bicycle it cannot be propelled exclusively by a motor. In Australia, e-bikes must not assist pedalling past the speed of 25km/h.
  • Under 16’s are legally allowed to ride on footpaths, and they can be accompanied by an adult.
  • Bicycle riders must keep to the left on footpaths and give way to pedestrians.
  • All bicycle riders must have a bell on their bike to warn others of their approach and wear a helmet.
  • While e-bikes sold in Australia meet the legal requirements, there is currently no quality control over e-bikes purchased and shipped from overseas retailers.
  • Personal e-scooters cannot legally be ridden on public roads and paths in NSW, only on private property.
  • Bicycles are not allowed in pedestrian malls such as The Corso at Manly.

Sod Turning and Blessing of Creative Arts Centre

We were blessed with beautiful weather for the official sod turning and blessing of our Creative Arts Centre on Wednesday.

A sod turning or ground-breaking ceremony marks a significant milestone in any construction project. This event is a symbolic gesture that brings together project stakeholders, construction partners, and the community to celebrate the beginning of something special.

That something special is our Creative Arts Centre which will begin to emerge over the coming months.

I know our staff and students are so excited about this new building - none more so than those from our Design and Technology, Food Technology and Textiles, and Visual Arts departments who will take up residence in the Centre.

Thank you to our construction partners, Kane Constructions and MostynCopper for their attendance and to Fr Chima Ofar from St Mary's Manly for blessing our site. It was wonderful to share the occasion with Kane's State Manager, Brett Moore, Site Manager, Dennis Farina and their daughters who are all Stella students.

We were delighted to host Board representatives, Company Members, guests from Good Samaritan Education, our "most experienced" past student, Margaret Duffy, whose great-niece Greta V in Year 9 also joined us for the occasion and, of course, staff and students.

We will continue to provide updates during the construction period.

Anzac Day Assembly

We came together as a school community on Tuesday during our first scheduled assembly for Term 2 to commemorate Anzac Day. My thanks to all involved in contributing to a wonderfully moving ceremony. Special thanks to the students who spoke about their relatives who are either currently serving in the Australian Defence Forces or have served in the past and to our musicians whose performances were outstanding. Students and staff were also invited to place the name, together with a sprig of rosemary, of a relative who has served Australia on an honour board created to pay respect and gratitude for their service.


God of the journey....

We are, quite naturally, impatient in everything to reach the end without delay.....

And yet, it is the law of all progress that it is made by passing

through some stage of instability – and that it may take a very long time.

And so I think it is with you.

Your ideas mature gradually – let them grow, let them shape themselves.....

Give our Lord the benefit of believing that God’s hand will lead you

and accept the anxiety of feeling yourself in suspense and incomplete.


Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (Good Samaritan Term 2 2024 Resources)



Check out this fortnight's notices for info on school photo orders, Shrek and Year 10 Retreat....

Shrek Tickets Selling Fast

With just under three weeks before our fabulous cast present Shrek the Musical, now is the time to grab your tickets to get the best possible seats. Our students and staff have been working incredibly hard to bring you this joyful, colourful and engaging production that leans into the humanity in all of us and celebrates our differences. Please show them your support.

Honorary Shrek Cast Members

On Tuesday, 30 incoming Year 6 students from our surrounding primary schools had the amazing opportunity to be part of an open rehearsal for Shrek the Musical. Our cast warmly welcomed our "honorary cast members" into the rehearsal rooms, showed them a sneak peek of the show and they even got them up and taught a dance thanks to our cast and choreographer, Lily T. After a 90 minute open rehearsal with the cast, the girls were presented a gift certifying them as "honorary cast members". They are looking forward to coming to the show in a few weeks and seeing the final product on stage and under lights!

School Photo Days

Stella's school photography days are coming up soon.

  • Wednesday 5 June – Main photo day (PC group and individual)
  • Tuesday 18 June – Siblings and Absentees (those away on main photo day)

Advanced Life are once again taking our school photos. Please follow the instructions below to order your photos.

Portrait and PC group photos Wednesday 5 June

These can be purchased by following the link below. Once the link is opened, you will need the following online code: KY8 HAC 97W

If you prefer to order using an envelope (cash only), ask your Stella student to visit Student Services to collect an order envelope and hand your envelope and cash payment to the photographer on school photo day.

Sibling Photos – Tuesday 18 June

Sibling photos can be ordered online - use the same link and code as above – up to 24 hours prior to photo day. If you miss the online order deadline, or prefer to use envelope and pay cash, you can submit a completed sibling order envelope (have your Stella student collect a ‘Sibling envelope’ from Student Services prior to the day or on Sibling photo day.

Other important school photography information from Advanced Life:

  • Online orders - do not require an envelope returned to your school.
  • Late fees - a late fee will be applied to each package purchased after photo day due to the additional cost of producing these packages separately.
  • Package delivery - School photographs will be returned approximately six weeks after the day of photography. Please note this delivery timeframe is dependent on proofing and additional photography days at your school.
  • Previous years’ photos - Past years’ photographs including sports, co-curricular and representative groups are also available to order under the “previous years or group photo” tabs at your school’s advancedorder site when you click on the “Order School Photos Here” button above. You can also order past packages, portrait images and gifts from your child’s unique, individual and secure advancedyou image archive site using the unique nine digit image code found on packages you have ordered in the past
  • advancedlife would like to express our appreciation to Stella Maris College for placing their trust in us. Please remember we offer a 100% money back guarantee on our products to ensure your peace of mind. We would also love to receive your feedback or resolve any issues you may experience as fast as possible, to ensure your satisfaction. If you have any questions, comments or feedback relating to your advancedlife experience please contact us at: www.advancedlife.com.au/contact

Year 10 Retreat

On May 9 and 10, Year 10 students embarked on an unforgettable journey to The Collaroy Centre for their annual retreat, themed around challenge and choice. Amidst the serene backdrop of nature, students embraced a plethora of activities designed to foster teamwork, resilience, and self-reflection. From conquering team challenges to engaging in moments of meditation and deep contemplation, each activity served as a catalyst for personal growth and camaraderie. Liturgies offered moments of spiritual connection, while the rhythmic beats of the bush dance filled the air with joy and energy. Amidst laughter and shared experiences, students toasted to change, envisioning a future filled with possibility and promise. As the retreat drew to a close, friendships were solidified, perspectives were broadened, and hearts were filled with gratitude for the invaluable memories created during this transformative journey.

Mother's Day Breakfast

We shared your disappointment in cancelling our Mother's Day Breakfast last Friday. To make it up to our Year 12 mums/carers who missed their last Stella Mother's Day Breakfast, we are looking at the calendar for a date to recreate this special time with your daughters. Stay tuned for further details.


Shrek News

Three weeks to go - the countdown is on!

Mitchell Smith

Shrek Producer

We are officially on the countdown to Opening Night! With just under three weeks to go, our cast, crew and orchestra have continued to work so well on completing the remaining scenes - we are all so proud of them! As we get closer to the show, we start to bring all aspects of the show together with sets, costumes and props arriving from next week. This Sunday also brings the opportunity for our cast and orchestra to work together in the same room for the first time - so we look forward to seeing everyone there for a day of collaboration!


  • Main Drama Rehearsals are Mondays and Tuesdays from 3:30pm - 5:30pm
  • Vocal Rehearsals are Tuesdays from 7:30am - 8:30am (all cast to attend)
  • Orchestra Rehearsals are Thursdays from 7:30am - 8:30am
  • Upcoming weekend rehearsals are Sunday 19 May, Sunday 26 May and Sunday 2 June from 9:00am - 4:00pm (all cast, all orchestra and select crew required)

Volunteers for Front of House Refreshment Sales

We are reaching out to parents/carers to enlist volunteers to help sell refreshments prior to the show and during intervals (there may be a lovely reward on offer). If you're able to spare a couple of hours during one of our five shows, we'd love to hear from you.

  • Wednesday 5 June - 5.45pm - 7.45pm
  • Thursday 6 June - 5.45pm - 7.45pm
  • Friday 7 June - 5.45pm - 7.45pm
  • Saturday 8 June - 5.45pm - 7.45pm
  • Saturday 8 June - 12.45pm - 2.45pm

Please nominate your preferred shift via the following link.

Ticket Info

Tickets are selling fast, so ensure you get in quick by jumping on the link to purchase your tickets:


Performing Arts News

Read about the wonderful performances of our musicians and upcoming dance competitions....

Evan Browett

Head of Performing Arts

Anzac Day Assembly

Congratulations to the musicians who took part in the Anzac Day assembly. A special thanks to Amy H (who played ‘The Last Post’ on trumpet), Daisy F (who played ‘Amazing Grace’ on bagpipes) and the Year 10 Music class (who played ‘The Green Fields of France’ as an ensemble). It was a series of powerful and moving performances which captured the solemnity of the occasion.

Dance News

Dance Camp

Thank you to all the students who participated in Dance Camp during the first week of term. The rehearsal time was invaluable and I appreciate the time and effort you gave to each group that was in practice that day. With competitions starting next week, the opportunity to see multiple groups, and the majority of the dancers, was fantastic!

Semester 1 Dance Evening

Don’t forget the Semester 1 Dance Evening is also on this term on Friday 21 June.

There are two shows, one at 5:00pm and one at 7:00pm, because it sells out very quickly!

This is a fantastic concert which showcases all dancers from Years 7 to 12 including Performance Groups, Ensembles, Company Groups, Extension Company Groups, Years 9 -11 Elective Dance Classes and Year 12 HSC Dance.

Competition Season is Commencing

Our first competitions are coming up very quickly with IRBD on Saturday 25 May (Extension groups only), followed by Extreme Eisteddfod on Saturday 15 June (Extension Groups) and Sunday 16 June (Ensembles, Company & Extension Hip Hop).

Below are the dates and time for both IRBD and Extreme Eisteddfods:

I'd Rather Be Dancing (IRBD) - Extension Company Groups Only
Date: Saturday 25th May
Venue: Brigidine College, 325 Mona Vale Rd, St Ives – Bowie Hall

10:30am (arrive 9:30am)
Ext Contemporary “Dracula” (Chris Haines) - No. 4 out of 14
Ext Lyrical “Vampire” (James Maras) – No. 13 out of 14

12:00pm (arrive 11:00am)
Ext Commercial Jazz “Gaga” (Lauren Elton) – No. 4 out of 14
Ext Hip Hop (Shannon Carter) - No. 9 out of 14 *may not be ready*
Ext Jazz “Criminal” (Miss Jones) – No 15 out of 19

Extreme Eisteddfod - Day 1 (All Extension Groups - except Hip Hop)
Date: Saturday 15th June
Abbotsleigh High, 1666 Pacific Hwy, Wahroonga

11:30am (arrive 10:30am)
Ext Lyrical “Vampire” (James Maras) – No. 9 out of 10

1:30pm (arrive 12:3)pm) – Section B
Ext Contemporary “Dracula” (Chris Haines) - No. 7 out of 10

2:30pm (arrive 1:30pm) – Section A
Ext Commercial Jazz “Gaga” (Lauren Elton) – No. 1 out of 15

4:00pm (arrive 3:00pm) – Section B
Ext Jazz “Criminal” (Miss Jones) – No 9 out of 14

Extreme Eisteddfod Day 2 (All Company & Ensemble Groups + Ext Hip Hop)
Date: Sunday 16 June
Venue: Abbotsleigh High, 1666 Pacific Hwy, Wahroonga

4:00pm (arrive 3:00pm)
Contemporary Ensemble (Emma Copping) – No 1 out of 5
Contemporary Company "Toxic" (Miss Jones) - No 5 out of 5

4:30pm (arrive 3:30pm)
Lyrical Ensemble "Use Somebody" (Elle Preece) – No 1 out of 8
Lyrical Company "How Do I Say Goodbye" (Miss Jones) - No 7 out of 8

5:15pm (arrive 4:15pm)
Year 9 Elective Dance "Poker Face" (Miss Jones) - No 2 out of 14
Jazz Ensemble "Little L" (Elle Preece) – No 7 out of 14
Jazz Company "Lose My Breath" (Miss Jones) - No 13 out of 14

6:30pm (arrive 5:30pm)
Hip Hop Ensemble (Emma Copping) - No 6 out of 14
Ext Hip Hop (Shannon Carter) – No 13 out of 14


Sports News

Our soccer, netball, cross country and hockey girls represented Stella with distinction...

Jenny Wickham

Sports Coordinator and Teacher of PDHPE


It has been a big few weeks for the Stella soccer teams. We have had teams playing at the CGSSSA, Broken Bay and Bill Turner Cup competitions – and we have had amazing success in all these events!

The CGSSSA Soccer Championships were held at Melwood Oval on Monday 6 May. Stella had teams in both the Open and U15 competitions. The competition was tough, playing against schools such as Monte, Loreto, Santa Sabina and St Scholastica. Both teams did very well to finish in third place.

Well done to all members of the CGSSSA teams:

Open: Amelia M, Summer B, Cassie G, Charley H, Sarah K, Sammi W, Tara N, Niamh G, Sienna L, Eliza A, Liv E, Betty B and Ella H.

U15: Gracie E, Frida C, Amelie V, Piper B, Arwen T, Zoe B, Maisey S, Ann M, Kayla R, Ellie W, Phoebe L, Gracie B.

The Broken Bay tournament was held over two days. The U15 event was held at Cromer Park on Thursday 2 May. The wet weather caused a few changes to the day, with the event being run as a knockout competition. The Stella team was unbeatable, winning their way through to the grand final against Mount Saint Benedict. In the end, the Stella team had a comfortable win to become Broken Bay Champions for 2024.

The Open event was held at Melwood on Tuesday 7 May. Once again, the Stella team dominated, winning all round games and progressing through to the grand final against Brigidine. It was a close final, with the Stella team coming away with a 1 – 0 win, to also take the title of Broken Bay Champions for 2024.

Both the U15 and Open teams have now progressed through to the NSWCCC knockout tournament. They will both play Loreto Kirribilli later this term.

Well done to all members of the teams:

Open: Charlotte C, Emma B, Sophie L, Indie C, Eadie P, Jade G, Bonny A, April U, Lara M, Lyla R, Jessica P, Camille C, Siena A, Lola H.

U15: Charlotte C, Ellie E, April U, Lara M, Emma B, Lyla R, Jessica P, Camille C, Siena A, Lola H, Gracie B, Evie M, Zoe V, Zoe A, Emily B.

A big congratulations to the following girls who have been selected into the Broken Bay open soccer team: Emma B, Amber K, Sophie L, Jess P, Jade G, Bonny A, Camille C.

These students will play at the NSWCCC Championships at Valentine Park at the end of May.

The Bill Turner Cup team played their round two match against a strong Mackellar team at Lionel Watts on Thursday 9 May. It was a great game with the Stella team coming away with a good 4 – 2 win. The team now progress to round three of the tournament.


The Peninsula Cup competition commenced this week after the rain forced the cancellation of round one. Stella has 11 teams playing in the competition on Tuesday afternoons at Curl Curl.

A big congratulations to Georgia B who played in the Broken Bay U15 team at the NSWCCC Selections on May 7th. Georgia played extremely well against very tough competition all day, and made it down to the final group of selections. Well done Georgia!

Congratulations also goes to Mia L and Ana T who have been selected into representative teams. Mia has been selected for the Samoa NSW team, and Ana for the Tonga NSW team. Well done to Mia and Ana on this amazing achievement!

Cross Country

It is a busy few weeks for our cross country runners. Our season started with our first carnival on Friday 10 May – the CGSSSA Championships at Bicentennial Park, Homebush. This was the first time that Stella had competed at this event and all involved had a wonderful time. Stella also had some fantastic results. Special mention to Pip Q, who finished first and Amelia M who finished second.

In the next two weeks the team will compete at the IGSA carnival at Frensham on May 17 and the Broken Bay Championships at Gosford Racecoure on May 21. Good luck to all of our runners.


This year we have introduced hockey to our sport program. Our first ever hockey team played in round one of the Mollie Dive competition on Tuesday 7 May at Barker College against Roseville College. The Stella team was amazing! They played so well in the cold and wet conditions and came away with a 5 – 0 win! Well done to all members of the team! The season will continue for the remainder of Term 2.


Congratulations to Amali E and Charli S who played at the NSWCCC AFL selection trials in Wagga on May 6 and 7. The girls both played extremely well at this high level of AFL. Well done!

Snow Sports

Stella will be entering teams into the Northern NSW Interschools Snow Sports Championships. This will be held in Thredbo in the July holidays (10 – 12 July). An expression of interest form has been sent to all students. This event is suitable for students who are competent skiers or snowboarders. Students who compete at this event will be required to travel and stay with their own families for the event. Any student who would like more information on snow sports should complete the expression of interest form by May 24.


P&F News

Welcome to the Week 3 P&F Update!

Clare Cahill

P&F President

Don't miss out on these key dates:

  • P&F Annual General Meeting: Thursday 16 May - details on how to join below
  • Stella Fellas Trivia – Nomad Brewery: Sunday 19 May

Last chance for Stella Fellas Trivia Tickets

Sales close Friday at 5.00pm! Only 20 spots left!

Grab your tickets for our first Stella Fellas event of 2024! Join us at Nomad Brewery in Brookvale on Sunday 19 May for a trivia showdown from 3:00pm to 6:00pm. Plus, your $10 ticket purchase directly supports the school musical!

Secure your spot now:

Mark Your Calendars! P&F Annual General Meeting, tonight - 7:30pm

Our Annual General Meeting is on tonight starting at 7:30pm. Want to stay in the loop? Email us at pandf@stellamaris.nsw.edu.au, and we'll add you to the list.

Mother's Day Breakfast Raffle - thanks for your support!

A big thank you to everyone who donated prizes for our raffle! Your generosity made this event possible and supported the Northern Beaches Women's Shelter and the school musical. Check out the full list of winners.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Prizes can be collected from the school reception. If your prize includes alcohol, please ensure someone over 18 collects it. Don't forget to pick up your prize by Friday 17 May - there are a number of prizes still awaiting collection.

Thanks again for your incredible support - together, we raised over $5,000!

Luna Park Update

Unfortunately, Luna Park couldn't provide tickets at the originally quoted price, and prices are now $20 more per ticket. Considering the current cost of living, we're looking at a date towards the end of Term 3 when we can take advantage of the group discount prices between Winter and Summer spots. Stay tuned for more details shortly!


Uniform Shop News

The new black crew socks are now in stock!

Gail Hickey

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop is open Tuesdays to Thursdays from 8.00am to 4.30pm during term and can be contacted via email:


Black socks are now available to wear with pants and as an alternative to stockings with the skirt. These are available in store for $3.00. We do hold limited stock as girls are able to purchase their own elsewhere.

Please ask your daughter to collect online orders from Recess after the order has been placed. Please use your daughter’s name on the order.

Please follow this link to the P&F Facebook second hand page:


Canteen News

Thank you to our volunteers in the Canteen over the next fortnight.

Bernie McGrath

Canteen Manager

Please have your daughters come to the canteen to see if they have left a lunch box/drink bottle or any container. We have many items in lost property that are missing their homes!

Week commencing Monday 20 May

Monday 20 May
Help needed please!

Tuesday 21 May

Wednesday 22 May
Help needed please!

Thursday 23 May

Friday 24 May

Jess Ozbay

Theresa Buchanan

Jude Furniss

Jill Sholl

Carmel MacLeod

Agnes Villanyi

Louise Stedman

Cathy Shanahan

Rosetta Papallo

Brooke Mountford

Lindie McKay

Amy Keary

Elle Weeden

Ashleigh Hough

Prue Berne

Rachel Bijl

Emily Brannan

Sharman Walker

Lisa Thorpe Apps

Mark Jarvis

Week commencing Monday 27 May

Monday May 27
Help needed please!

Tuesday May 28

Wednesday May 29
Help needed please!

Thursday May 30
Help needed please!

Friday May 31

Paul Masluk

Joanne Robinson

Anna Anderson

Taemar Handes

Pene Boucher

Joanna Brown

Heather Lawson

Diana Panuccio

Kylie Church

Peta Alpen

Riany Tanner

Margie Mort

Kim Singleton


Term 2 Calendar Dates

Term 2

Thursday 16 MayStella P&F AGM
Wednesday 22 MayStudent Learning Conference #4

(students dismissed at lunchtime, remote learning for Period 5)

Friday 31 May

Stella Day
Monday 3 JuneCommunity Show - Shrek the Musical
Wednesday 5 JuneSchool Photo Day
Year 7 Study Skills Evening (via Zoom)

Shrek the Musical - 6.30pm

Thursday 6 JuneYear 11 Semester 1 reports available on SEQTA

Shrek the Musical - 6.30pm

Friday 7 JuneShrek the Musical - 6.30pm
Saturday 8 JuneShrek the Musical - 1.30pm and 6.30pm
Monday 17 JuneSemester 1 Drama Night
Tuesday 18 JuneSibling and Absentee Photo Day
Friday 21 JuneSemester 1 Dance Night
Wednesday 26 JuneSemester 1 Music Night
Friday 28 JuneLast day of Term 2

Years 7 - 10 Semester 1 reports available on SEQTA