The excitement is building around campus for Stella Day 2024.
Sharyn Quirk
Tomorrow is Stella Day, our College Feast Day. It celebrates Mary, Star of the Sea. The Patroness of Broken Bay Diocese, Mary Star of the Sea connects us to our faith and our local community. The Star of the Sea is an ancient title for the Mother of Jesus Christ and comes down to us from the Latin Stella Maris.
Under this title, Mary intercedes as both guide and protector for all those who travel or work on or by the sea. For our northern beaches community, facing the Pacific Ocean, Mary is our guiding star and the first disciple as the mother of the Church.
"Mary, Star of the Sea, must be followed....lest we capsize amidst the storm-tossed waves of the sea. She will illumine us to believe in Christ, born of her for the salvation of the world". (Paschasius Radbertus d.865)
The Feast Day of Mary Star of the Sea is celebrated on 31 May.
On Stella Day, we take time to be community, by walking to St Mary’s Church for mass with the local parishioners. Upon returning to Main Campus, we hold an assembly focused on the importance of outreach, through the Good Sams Foundation, to communities in need such as Santa Teresa and Kiribati.
Stella Day afternoon is a community celebration with food, eco-stalls and friendly competition engaging students and staff. Thanks goes to the SRC and the staff who planned the day for us. Thank you to all the students for the positive way in which you engage in this special day.
We came together as a school community on Tuesday to mark National Reconciliation Week and National Sorry Day. The assembly commenced with a beautiful performance by our Elective Music students of Australian composer, Nigel Westlake's, 'Ngapa William Cooper’.
Ms Smith, our Assistant Principal, shared a photo of our fig trees dating back to the 1880s. It captures the same trees, but 140 years apart!
Ms Smith raised the importance of acknowledging the land we stand on by asking students to reflect on the question, "what if the two Moreton Bay figs were no longer present when you arrived at school?” We are truly blessed to be surrounded by these two trees every single day. They are the heart of Stella.
At the end of the assembly, students wrote words of reconciliation to add to a special reconciliation tree.
Mary, mother of Jesus, who heard the call of God and answered,
Mary, mother of Jesus, who drew strength from the woman Elizabeth,
Mary, mother of Jesus, who underwent hardship bearing Christ,
Mary, mother of Jesus, who ministered at Cana,
Mary, mother of Jesus, inspirited at Pentecost,
Mary mother of Jesus, who turned the Spirit of God into the body and blood of Christ, pray for us.
(Joan Chittister, OSB, A Litany of Women for the Church, 1 October 2021)
Information re Stella Day, Shrek and School Photos
By this time next week, our talented cast and crew will have delivered two wonderful shows of Shrek the Musical to audiences in the Star of the Sea Theatre. We are so proud of the commitment they have shown to bring us this incredible production. Don't miss out!
Thank you to our supporters
We are extremely grateful for the generous support from the sponsors of Shrek the Musical. In particular, we would like to thank our platinum sponsors, Kane and MostynCopper, who are also our key partners on the new Creative Arts Centre. Additional thanks go to ASI Solutions, JDH Architects, Supercare Property Services, and the Stella P&F for their support.
Stella Day is tomorrow!
Stella Day is a whole school celebration where we celebrate the Mission work of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan. We do this by commemorating our Benedictine Values and raising money for the Indigenous community in Santa Teresa and Kiribati.
Day Runsheet:
8:40-8:50 am PC - In PC rooms as normal
P1 & P2 - Mass (walking to and from St. Mary's Manly)
RECESS - as normal
P3 - Assembly (on the deck)
P4 + LUNCH - Stella Day activities
P5 - Lip Sync Battle and Awards
3:10 - 3:20 pm - Pack up, clean up and roll call in PC
Thank you for your continued support in making Stella Day 2024 one to remember.
Stella's school photography days are coming up soon.
Please ensure your Stella student/s is following uniform guidelines.
The students will be sent the Photo Day schedule early next week.
Advanced Life are once again taking our school photos. Please follow the instructions below to order your photos.
Portrait and PC group photos – Wednesday 5 June
These can be purchased by following the link below. Once the link is opened, you will need the following online code: KY8 HAC 97W
If you prefer to order using an envelope (cash only), ask your Stella student to visit Student Services to collect an order envelope and hand your envelope and cash payment to the photographer on school photo day.
Sibling Photos – Tuesday 18 June
Sibling photos can be ordered online - use the same link and code as above – up to 24 hours prior to photo day. If you miss the online order deadline, or prefer to use envelope and pay cash, you can submit a completed sibling order envelope (have your Stella student collect a ‘Sibling envelope’ from Student Services prior to the day or on Sibling photo day.
Other important school photography information from Advanced Life:
To assist in holiday planning, please note the 2025 term dates:
Term 1 |
Thursday 30 January |
Friday 11 April |
Term 2 |
Tuesday 29 April |
Friday 27 June |
Term 3 |
Tuesday 22 July |
Friday 26 September |
Term 4 |
Tuesday 14 October |
Tuesday 2 December |
Congratulations to students recognised in this edition of Stella News.
Congratulations to our Stella Standouts who were recognised at Assembly this week:
Stella Maris teams from Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 recently participated in the NSW da Vinci Decathlon. The da Vinci Decathlon is a challenging academic competition where students compete in teams across 10 disciplines: Engineering, Mathematics, Code Breaking, Art and Poetry, Science, English, Ideation, Creative Producers, Cartography and Legacy.
The competition was held at Knox Grammar school with up to 75 schools from NSW competing in each year group. The Stella Maris teams demonstrated perseverance, diligence and excellent team work throughout the competition and achieved some outstanding results:
Year 7
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Congratulations to the Stella Maris 2024 da Vinci Decathlon teams:
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
Mabel B |
Ruby M |
Lucy K |
Rose M |
Emma M |
Emma D |
Erin R |
Amy H |
Zara D |
Sara T |
Amelia F |
Chloe S |
Harper F |
Jess O |
Hannah G |
Maya H |
Cailey A |
Ava W |
Ava J |
Violette R |
Lucy M |
Kate C |
Arwen R |
Katie E |
Bella C |
Violet M |
Charlotte S |
Pip Q |
Bronte S |
Danica S |
Arwen T |
Chiara D |
Grace E |
Alyssa T |
Roisin T |
Sophie M |
Isabel T |
Alice K |
Year 7 team
Year 8 team
Year 9 team
Year 11 team
Congratulations to the following Year 8 Award winners!
Silver Award |
Bronze Award |
Credit Award |
Violet P - Italian |
Daisy F - French |
Chloe B - Italian |
Mia M - French |
Ruby Y - French |
Emilia G - Italian |
Eva S - Italian |
Isabel T - Italian |
Ava H - Italian |
Congratulations to Year 12 student, Sophie B who was awarded third place in the Young Geographer Awards conducted by the Geography Teachers Association of NSW and ACT. Her Senior Geography project explored the question: "How have blue groupers in Cabbage Tree Bay Reserve been impacted by human recreation?'
Our Elective Music students travelled to the city for the performance of Ngapa William Cooper...
Evan Browett
Head of Performing Arts
Last Thursday, the Years 9-12 Elective Music classes attended a performance of ‘Ngapa William Cooper’, a powerful and exciting new work by Australian composer Nigel Westlake. Performed by Lior, Lou Bennet and members of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, the work is based on a powerful story of an indigenous Australian protest that took place against Nazi atrocities in the 1930s. After the performance, in the City Recital Hall, our students stayed behind to attend a moderated discussion with Nigel Westlake, Lou Bennet and Lior. It was very exciting to have two questions submitted by Stella Maris College read out and answered at the event. With Nigel Westlake’s blessing, some of the Music students then went on to arrange excerpts from the work and perform these at our Sorry Day assembly on Tuesday.
Welcome to this fortnight's Sports News.
Jenny Wickham
Sports Coordinator and Teacher of PDHPE
The cross country carnivals for 2024 have come to an end! The Stella team has competed at several events in recent weeks – the Stella carnival, CGSSSA, IGSA and Broken Bay carnivals. The performances at these carnivals was amazing. All of our Stella runners competed with determination and enthusiasm.
We had some fantastic results at all three carnivals. Our main event was the Broken Bay carnival, as this is our pathway event. Stella won overall champion school at Broken Bay, and took out places in many age groups:
Congratulations to the students who finished in the top six and progress to the NSWCCC Championships next week:
Piper B (silver medal), Emily C (bronze medal), Amelia M (gold medal), Andrea Nel (silver medal), Lyla R (silver medal), April U (bronze medal), Pip Q (gold medal), Amber K (silver medal), Eadie P.
Well done to all of our runners who have trained hard and enjoyed a great cross country season.
The Stella Year 9/10 representative touch team competed at the NSW Touch Metro North All Schools Championships at Parramatta on May 22. The level of competition was high and the Stella girls did well through the round games to progress into the finals series. They faced a tough team from Westfield Sports High in the semi, but had a convincing 5 – 2 win to move onto the grand final.
The Stella team played a strong Mount St Benedict team in the grand final. Despite taking an early lead, the scores were locked at 3 – 3 at the end, pushing the final into a drop off. Summer B scored a great try right at the start of the drop off, and it was a nervous couple of minutes in defence until the siren sounded. Congratulations to the Stella team on winning this tournament. The team will now progress through to the State Final in August. Well done to all members of the team:
Zsa Zsa B, Kayla A, Charlotte B, Summer B, Lara M, Mia L, Siena A, Holly G, April U, Matisse F, Indie C.
Congratulations to the Stella students who represented Broken Bay in the NSWCCC Open Soccer Championships at Valentine Park from May 28 - 29. The Broken Bay team had a tough draw, playing a strong Newcastle team in the first game. This was the only game that the team lost over the tournament, finishing in second place in their pool. The Stella students played so well throughout the competition, with many of our players being very young in the open division. Well done to the students involved:
Bonny A, Jade G, Sophie L, Amber K, Emma B, Jess P and Camille C.
Congratulations to Riliegh S (Year 10) who played at the NSWCCC hockey selections in Bathurst earlier this month. Riliegh was successful at being selected into the NSWCCC team. She will now play at the NSW All Schools event later this term. Well done Riliegh!
Our Peninsula Cup netball competition is well and truly underway. After a wet start to the season causing a delay in the first rounds, the teams are now enjoying the fun competition which is played on Tuesday afternoons throughout Term 2. The teams are improving with each game and having a great time!
A reminder to any student in the 16 and over age groups who has representative netball experience, registrations for the Broken Bay trials (to play at NSWCCC) will close on June 7. Registrations are to be done directly on the CSBB website.
Over recent weeks we have seen attendance numbers drop at various sport training sessions. While we understand that students will occasionally miss training sessions due to illness or injury, we expect a high level of attendance for the entire season. When a student signs up to play in a sport, they are committing to the sport for the length of the competition or term. This means ensuring that they make the effort to attend both training sessions and games.
Welcome to the Week 5 P&F Update!
Clare Cahill
P&F President
Thank you to everyone who came out and made the Stella Fellas Nomad Trivia afternoon a fantastic success! These events only work with your support; we have an amazing community. A lot of fun was had by all, and a special congratulations to the winning team, Tequila Mockingbirds.
Thanks again to Nick Poutney for organising such a great way to spend a few hours. We couldn't have done it without you!
Thanks to all those who attended the P&F AGM on Thursday 16 May. A copy of the minutes can be found below.
The key takeaways were:
Don't Miss Out on the Event of the Year!
Mark your calendars! Tickets for our highly anticipated school Trivia Night go on sale this Friday, 31 May at 9.00am sharp. Last year, this event sold out in just 48 hours, so don’t delay—secure your spot as soon as sales open!
Ticket Pricing:
Stay tuned! The theme for this year’s event will be announced closer to the date.
Thank you to our volunteers in the Canteen over the next fortnight.
Bernie McGrath
Canteen Manager
Please have your daughters come to the canteen to see if they have left a lunch box/drink bottle or any container. We have many items in lost property that are missing their homes!
Monday 3 June |
Tuesday 4 June |
Wednesday 5 June |
Thursday 6 June |
Friday 7 June |
Bel Robinson |
Deborah Wilton |
Francine Scali |
Steph England |
Simone Selinas |
Vanda Skavaas |
Belinda Vumbaca |
Janine Scali |
Catherine Nel |
Claudine Guterres |
Peta Alpen |
Sara McHugh |
Karlee Fox |
Shannon Morrell |
Tara Edgtton |
Christine Watson-Brown |
Julie Martin |
Leesa Shannon |
Heidi Bryant |
Joanne Brown |
Melissa Firth |
Monday June 10 |
Tuesday June 11 |
Wednesday June 12 |
Thursday June 13 |
Friday June 14 |
Rebecca Kristensen |
Amanda Smerdon |
Kelly Hindman |
Danielle Bennett |
Nicole Margetts |
Sandra Suarez |
Peta Pickup |
Samantha Campbell |
Majella Brady |
Daniel / Kate Jones |
Christine Watson-Brown |
Lisa Hung |
Eve Harvey |
Anna Anderson |
Mark Jarvis |
Shannon Morrell |
Nicole Hodgkinson |
The new black crew socks are now in stock!
Gail Hickey
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop is open Tuesdays to Thursdays from 8.00am to 4.30pm during term and can be contacted via email:
Black socks ($3.00) are now available to wear with pants and as an alternative to stockings with the skirt. We do hold limited stock as girls are able to purchase their own elsewhere.
Please ask your daughter to collect online orders from Recess after the order has been placed. Please use your daughter’s name on the order.
Please follow this link to the P&F Facebook second hand page:
Friday 31 May | Stella Day | |
Monday 3 June | Community Show - Shrek the Musical | |
Wednesday 5 June | School Photo Day Year 7 Study Skills Evening (via Zoom) Shrek the Musical - 6.30pm | |
Thursday 6 June | Year 11 Semester 1 reports available on SEQTA
Shrek the Musical - 6.30pm | |
Friday 7 June | Shrek the Musical - 6.30pm | |
Saturday 8 June | Shrek the Musical - 1.30pm and 6.30pm | |
Monday 17 June | Semester 1 Drama Night | |
Tuesday 18 June | Sibling and Absentee Photo Day | |
Friday 21 June | Semester 1 Dance Night | |
Wednesday 26 June | Semester 1 Music Night | |
Friday 28 June | Last day of Term 2
Years 7 - 10 Semester 1 reports available on SEQTA |
Social Justice News
The results for several fundraising projects are in...
Sarah Metcalfe
Social Justice Program Coordinator
Project Compassion
Thank you so much for donating to Project Compassion. Your efforts will ensure lifelong positive change and practical support for the lives of people facing hardship, disempowerment, and vulnerability. Your generous donations will ensure communities will be able to grow stronger and to lift themselves out of poverty.
The final amount raised by Stella Maris for Project Compassion was an astounding:
Everyone’s contribution is incredible!
The standout PC for this year is PC 7.1 who managed to raise $657.90!
Ms Stojanovski’s 7.1 PC class of 18 students managed to track each week with regular donations from every single member of the class to reach this incredible total which is more than some whole Year Group totals alone! Amazing work 7.1! Thanks for making such a huge difference.
The $660ish dollars you have raised can directly do the following:
Our final total from the whole Stella community will go towards:
Supporting children with essential school supplies
Mufti Day for Mater Dei and Peace Egg funds
The Stella community managed to raise some fantastic funds at our Term 1 Mufti Day fundraiser for our fellow Sister of the Good Samaritan school, Mater Dei. We managed to raise:
We sincerely thank everyone for their generosity!
Making a Difference (MAD) & Stewardship Club working jointly towards Stella Day this term
Stella Day Eco Stall – come along and help out. Are you crafty and artistic or just would like to have fun with environmentally like-minded people?
Every Thursday in the Chapel we will host our MAD meetings with the Sustainability Club to work towards the events of Stella Day and our very own Eco Stall.
We will be making bees wax wraps to sell as well as seed balls / seed paper / paper flowers / bees wax candles and much more. We would love to hear from you and your sustainability ideas too.
We also plan to have a clothes swap from MAD on Stella Day. Do you have any quality items to bring in for the stall?
Stella Day is on tomorrow - Friday 31 May
Social Justice and Stewardship student leaders and Making a Difference students play a pivotal role in our annual celebration. This year, we are honoured to host Indigenous Leader Brooke Prentis as our special keynote speaker. Brooke, a proud descendant of the Wakka Wakka people, serves as the CEO of Common Grace and coordinator of the Grasstree Gathering.
Stella Day is not just about fun and festivities; it's a time for our community to reflect on the values of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan Ministry and the Benedictine principles that underpin our school's mission.
This year, we're focusing our efforts on fundraising for Santa Theresa in the Northern Territory and Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean, highlighting the Indigenous connections to Country and the urgent need for environmental sustainability.
Brooke Prentis will share insights into the Indigenous concept of Country, offering our students a unique opportunity to deepen their understanding of interconnectedness and environmental stewardship.
During the Assembly, we'll explore the theme of being a good neighbour through engaging activities and fundraising initiatives.
Together, we can make a difference by:
All proceeds from Stella Day Market stalls and activities will directly support the Sisters of the Good Samaritan outreach work in Santa Theresa and Kiribati.
News from Mr James Griffen, MP, Member for Manly
We're excited to announce that our Stella Maris students received formal recognition for their impactful social justice work in our local community. Recently, Mr. James Griffin, MP, Member for Manly, delivered a moving speech at NSW Parliament House, highlighting the importance of the Adolescent and Young Adult Hospice (AYAH) and the support it receives from our community.
Mr. Griffin praised our students for assembling and delivering thoughtful care packages to patients and families at AYAH. He also acknowledged the widespread support from local businesses and organisations, including Stella Maris.
In conclusion, Mr. Griffin shared touching words from a volunteer team member, emphasizing the enriching experience of volunteering at AYAH and the significance of the hospice in supporting young adults facing life-limiting illnesses.
Mr Griffin spoke about the difficult situation patients at AYAH face, and it was important to hear that he valued the remarkable work that is being done at the Hospice and the local community support that is occurring at the grass roots level.
Community Service Opportunities
If you are seeking ways to give back to the local community and to undertake social justice action for commitments such as the Duke of Edinburgh program, you may like to consider the following options:
One Meal Northern Beaches delivers food relief through weekly Community Meals (general support), and a Delivery Program (targeted support) getting fresh hampers and cooked meals directly to people referred by social service agencies and community groups.
Adolescent and Young Adult Hospice (AYAH)
Please email Ms Metcalfe for further details
MAD Club
Eco Club