Congratulations to our 2025 student leaders!
Sharyn Quirk
This week our Stella community remembered RUOK? Day, a day dedicated to starting meaningful conversations with others. By reaching out and checking in, we can contribute to a mentally healthy and resilient community. The student leaders shared with the student body the fact that in Australia about 43% of people would have experienced a mental health issuing in their life. That equates to 65 staff and 435 students. That statistic should be a call to us all to reach out to others to ensure they are getting the support they need.
At our assembly we also introduced our 2025 Student Leadership Team and presented their badges. Fr John Zhang from St Kieran’s Manly Vale was present to bless the badges and pray for the new student leaders. Current leaders presented the badges to the incoming students. It was a very moving ceremony, and it was wonderful to see the parents and carers of Year 11 and 12 leaders present.
Ms Collins highlighted that sometimes pain is not visible. She outlined some of the invisible illnesses and their impact on people. “Depression is when sadness sticks around too long. And anxiety is when stress overstays its welcome and can freeze people with fear. It can last days … weeks, months… there may not even be a clear reason. These moments can feel so lonely. Can we speak openly about this in the same way as physical injuries? “
“There is no shame in being open and asking for help. If you are feeling low and cannot see a way forward, you are not alone. Stella is such a safe space! Your teachers understand. Your friends are there for you – I see the way you rally around one another so beautifully! When you cannot reach out for help, they can be your voice in those moments. Be brave enough to book an appointment with one of our counsellors, Kylie or Amy … to email your PC teacher or Head of Year to lock in a time to chat, ask your parents to book a GP appointment… even if you don’t know where to start. There are so many trusted adults in this community, and your parents are your greatest allies!”
Thank you, Ms Collins, for sharing your understanding of why we need to remember RUOK? Day.
May you be blessed with good friends.
May you learn to be a good friend to yourself.
May you be able to journey to that place in your soul where there is great love, warmth, feeling and forgiveness.
May this change you.
May it transfigure that which is negative, distant or cold in you.
May you be brought into the real passion, kinship and affinity of belonging.
May you treasure your friends.
May you be good to them, and may you be there for them, may they bring you all the blessings, challenges, truth and light that you need for your journey.
May you never be isolated.
May you always be in the gentle nest of belonging with your close friends.
John O’Donohue Anam Cara (1997)
Don't miss this edition's important notices...
Families are reminded that the College requires one term’s notice of any move to another school or learning environment (please note that international enrolments require two terms’ notice). There are several reasons for this notice period. Firstly, budgets are set on current numbers, and, as the annual budget is set in September, we need to ensure that we are calculating costs and student numbers accurately. Secondly, once school returns in January, we are unlikely to make up numbers of any students who choose to leave without providing the required notice.
Please ensure that if your daughter is leaving at the end of 2024, you have informed the Registrar ( by the end of Term 3.
The next Community Mass will be held on Sunday 8 September from 5.00pm at St Kieran's Manly Vale. "Feel the joy. Be part of it." A barbecue meal will follow Mass. Duke of Edinburgh hours are available.
The August edition of the Good Samaritan e-magazine is now available.
Tickets are now on sale for two P&F events. For further details, click here.
Luna Park Family Day - Saturday 14 September - click for tickets
Stella Ladies Long Lunch - Friday 20 September - click to register
Stella Maris will participate in the NSW Education Showcase in Hanoi (10 September) and Ho Chi Minh City (14 September) to meet future students and families. Our International Program Manager will present a seminar focusing on “How high school education in NSW benefits overseas students to achieve a global success”. If you know anyone who might benefit by attending this event, please forward them the link below for further information.
Thank you to everyone who joined the Stella team for last Sunday's Beach2Beach. With a total of 216 Stella students, staff, family and friends - forming a ‘sea of pink’ - Stella smashed our own previous ‘biggest team’ record.
Stella won overall largest group and largest school group at the event and received a total of $6K in prize money, all of which will all be donated to local legend Mike Pawley’s ‘Happy Days’ charity (a charity that supports children at the Happy Days Village School located in Siem Reap Cambodia).
We also had some incredible individual results in the actual run with Ms Wickham winning the 14km female event and student Pip Q coming 3rd in the 6km event.
News from our English and Visual Arts departments...
Congratulations to Tilda Brownlow and Isabel Kirby, graduating students from 2024 on their Visual Art works being selected for the ‘Out Front’ exhibition at Manly Art Gallery and Museum (MAG&M) which opened on Friday 21 February.
‘Out Front 2025’ is an annual selection of artworks by HSC Visual Arts students from the 20 secondary schools across the Northern Beaches curated and displayed at the Manly Art Gallery. The exhibition “aims to explore the contemporary themes which are of importance to young people today and has been a part of MAG&M’s program since 1995. Presented in partnership with the Theo Batten Trust and MAG&M Society, the program has provided Youth Art Awards to aspiring artists for 30 years. The program demonstrates the gallery's ongoing commitment to connecting with secondary schools across the region and to supporting visual arts education."
The opening night was an opportunity for teachers and artists to preview the exhibition, celebrating the extraordinary talent and creativity of young local emerging artists.
The Theo Batten Bequest Youth Art Award, and the KALOF People’s Choice Award are presented as part of this exhibition.
The art works are always of a very high standard and we are thrilled for our two students as this is a great accomplishment and a recognition of all their hard work.
We also are grateful for the excellent guidance from the Visual Art teachers.
Unfortunately Isabel was unable to exhibit but it was a treat to see Tilda's work looking very impressive in the Gallery.
We look forward to seeing the exhibition which runs from 21 February until 6 April at the Manly Art Gallery & Museum.
Pop along if you can!
Tilda Brownlow's HSC Visual Arts work
Isabel Kirby's HSC artwork
Leusippe of Troy by Isabel Kirby
Author, Will Kostakis, presents to Year 11 English
Recently, my Year 11 cohort had the fantastic opportunity to meet award-winning author, Will Kostakis. The workshop directly related to our current topic in English – Reading to Write – and we all learned plenty: how to write better characters; how to use description efficiently; and how to be an overall smarter writer.
I would like to thank the English Department for the opportunity of listening to this inspiring guest speaker. I feel confident and keen to follow Will Kostakis’ writing advice which is sure to improve our creative writing skills.
For me personally, I found myself feeling heard through Kostakis’ novels. We grew up very similarly you see, both raised in Greek households in Sydney with a close connection to our grandparents. By hearing insights into his books, I felt as if my own story had been reflected through his novels in various ways. After his presentation I looked at several of his novels and, quite frankly, I was shocked because I had never seen characters that felt so real to me. I am usually one to read classics or high fantasy and generally find that characters seem to follow a stock standard English or American stereotype. In contrast, Will Kostakis’ young adult novels have original and fresh characters which don’t usually involve typically stable backgrounds. There is certainly something within each of his novels that can truly relate to each reader and it’s great to finally see some personal representation within the books I read.
I truly believe that Will Kostakis is an important writer for growing teens, as he writes of a different way of life, whether it be through ethnicity, family relationships, or even identity.
by Zoe A, Year 11
Join us for Sleep Out!
Sarah Metcalfe
Social Justice Program Coordinator
On Vietnam Veterans Day, Sunday 18 August, Stella students Lucinda O, Ruby T and Cheriese E represented our school community with great respect and honour at the Manly War Memorial. The students laid a wreath to commemorate the brave men who served during the Vietnam War. The date marks the significant Battle of Long Tan where the Australian Army Force, D Company, consisting of 108 men were isolated and came under intense attack by 2500 enemy Viet Cong soldiers resulting in the loss of 18 lives.
The ceremony featured a poignant speech by An Ngo Lang, a South Vietnamese refugee who fled Saigon at the age of four. An’s journey to safety was fraught with danger, but she survived thanks to the kindness of a U.S. Marine, who shared his rations and a single aspirin during the perilous sea voyage.
An's speech highlighted the devastating impacts of the Vietnam War, particularly the lasting trauma experienced by veterans and their families. She addressed the physical and psychological toll of war, exacerbated by the nature of chemical warfare in Vietnam with exposure to toxic poisoning from Agent Orange, which continues to affect countless lives to this day.
In her powerful reflection, An emphasized that it is not the futility of war that shapes who we are, but the choices we make in the face of adversity. Her words resonated deeply with all in attendance, urging us to reflect on the importance of peace.
Thank you, Lucinda, Ruby and Cheriese, for paying great respect at this important event.
Students are invited to grab their PJs and friends for the Stella Sleep Out. We will be sleeping out from Friday 6 September to Saturday 7 September to raise money for the Good Sam Kinder School in Bacolod, the Philippines, the Vinnies Winter Appeal, The Good Samaritan Inn and Women’s Domestic Violence Shelters.
A full program of events includes games, activities, presentations, a movie, dinner and breakfast in the morning. It's also a great way for Duke of Ed students to tick off community service hours.
Cost of entry is $50 and students are encouraged to find sponsors to support the appeal.
Welcome to this fortnight's Sports News.
Jenny Wickham
Sports Coordinator and Teacher of PDHPE
Well done to the Stella Athletics Squad who finished the interschool carnival season with amazing results!
The Broken Bay Athletics Championships were held at Sydney Olympic Park on September 3. The Stella team recorded absolutely amazing results!
These are exceptional results, and all members of the team were rewarded for their hard work over the athletics season. Well done to all members of the squad.
Good luck to the 15 students who have been selected to represent Broken Bay at the NSWCCC Championships on Monday 16 September:
Pip Q, Andrea N, Piper B, Pilard S, Erin H, Cara F, Emily C, Amelia M, Elisabeth P, Zaylee Z, Lyla R, Zoe B, Sophie B, Avie R, Ellie F.
Congratulations also to the three Stella students who represented NSW at the recent Athletics Australia Cross Country Championships in Tasmania.
Pip Q finished 8th in the U16 event, Madi R was 51st in the U15 event and Amelia M was 9th in the U14 event. Well done to these students and congratulations on representing your state!
Congratulations to Jade B (Year 10) who competed at the Broken Bay Golf Championships at Gosford Golf Course on September 5.
Jade is a talented golfer, and she performed very well at this event, finishing second overall in the Open Championship! Congratulations Jade on this outstanding achievement!
The Year 7 water polo competition is coming to an end. It has been a great season for the Stella teams, with both improving immensely over the term.
This week is the finals series, with both Stella teams playing.
Best of luck to both teams!
We are also nearing the end of the Term 3 Peninsula Cup soccer competition. Stella has had three teams playing in the junior division. All three teams have played some great soccer and have shown much improvement over the season. Well done to all three teams!
Earlier this week an email was sent to students and parents/carers with information about registering for Term 4 sports.
Next term, there are a number of extra-curricular sports on offer, including:
Students have been emailed the link to register interest in these sports by Wednesday 18 September.
There are also a number of representative sport opportunities next term, including cricket, water polo, volleyball, gymnastics, aquathon, tennis and touch. Separate emails will be sent to students about representative sports as they approach.
What a night at Bucketty's!
Evan Browett
Head of Performing Arts
On Wednesday 28 August, the Year 12 Music 1 and Music 2 classes had their performance evening at Bucketty’s. It was our first show at the venue and it was a roaring success. Performances from students on guitar, flute, piano, violin, vocals and drum kit were fantastic and the students should be most proud of themselves. It was particularly pleasing to see so many up-and-coming musicians (perhaps with future performances in mind), siblings, parents and families attending the event – a lovely example of the Stella community. A huge thank you to our tutors, Emma Gelding, Pete Covington and Greg Arnold as well as to our Music teachers, Mr Rob Sutcliffe and Ms Leanne Haines for their hard work leading up to the event. Hopefully the lively energy and raucous applause from this event will energise the girls as they head into their HSC performance examinations on Monday 9 September.
On Thursday 5 September, 12 of our elite vocalists will be performing as part of a larger choir with The Cat Empire and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. Asha B, Isabella C, Kate C, Daisy F, Bailey H, Charlee H, Ava J, Bronte M, Leili M, Amelie R, Erin W and Ava Z will all grace the stage for this wonderful opportunity. The show is taking place in the Concert Hall at the Sydney Opera house and will feature world-class flamenco artists Richard Tedesco, Johnny Tedesco and Chantelle Cano. Our girls have been working hard on selected repertoire and have additional weekend rehearsals in front of them in preparation. A huge thank you must go to Ms Ines Paxton for organising as well as Ms Lotus-Rose Kypriotis and Ms Leanne Haines for their hard work in preparing the girls. Details of the (sadly sold out) show can be found here.
A huge congratulations to Leili M in Year 9 who has been awarded a scholarship with the Australian Girls Choir. Later this month the group will be taking part in a three-week international tour through Paris, Regional France, Switzerland and Singapore. Congratulations Leili, we are incredibly proud of you (and a little bit jealous).
The Dance Ensembles, Company, and Extension Company Troupes, have outdone themselves at the latest competitions. With three competitions over the last two weeks it has been a very busy time for everyone. I am so proud of all the girls who continuously give their all, remaining enthusiastic, and supporting each other to succeed. I could not ask for a better group of girls to work with, and I am grateful to have so much talent at Stella Maris.
Highlights of the past three competitions include the Extension Jazz Company “Criminal” taking out 1st Place at Dancelife Unite, and the Extension Hip Hop Company “Rumble” winning 1st Place at both the Dance Spec Challenge, and The Hills Dance Spectacular. This is only the second year we have had a Hip Hop Troupe and they are already making a name for themselves. In very exciting results, the Beginner/Intermediate Lyrical Ensemble placed higher than the Intermediate Lyrical Company for a second time, showing that hard work and practice really does mean success. It was a wonderful two weeks with every group that competed placing at Dancelife Unite.
Congratulations to all the students involved and a huge thank you to all of our amazing teachers and choreographers – Elle Preece, Shannon Carter, James Maras, Emma Copping, Lauren Elton, Chris Haines and Miss Jones.
1st Place – Extension Jazz Company
1st Place – Year 9, 200 Hours Elective Dance
2nd Place – Extension Commercial Jazz Company
2nd Place – Extension Hip Hop Company
2nd Place – Contemporary Company
2nd Place – Jazz Company
3rd Place – Extension Lyrical Company
3rd Place – Lyrical Company
4th Place – Jazz Ensemble
4th Place – Lyrical Ensemble
Highly Commended – Contemporary Ensemble
1st Place – Extension Hip Hop Company
2nd Place – Contemporary Company
3rd Place – Jazz Company
4th Place – Lyrical Ensemble
DANCE SPEC CHALLENGE RESULTS (Junior Years 7-9 Groups only):
1st Place – Extension Hip Hop Company
2nd Place – Jazz Company
2nd Place – Contemporary Company
3rd Place – Lyrical Ensemble
3rd Place – Jazz Ensemble
3rd Place – Hip Hop Ensemble
Highly Commended – Lyrical Company
Luna Park and Ladies Long Lunch now on sale
Clare Cahill
P&F President
This is your last chance to join the Stella Maris P&F in celebrating Father’s Day with our thrilling Raffle and Live Auction! Tickets are selling fast, and with 50% of all funds raised going to Head Above Water, you’ll be supporting a fantastic cause while having the chance to win incredible prizes.
The Father's Day raffle will be drawn following the Father's Day Breakfast and all prize winners will be contacted (you don't need to be at the Breakfast to enter).
Our thanks to Cunninghams Real Estate auctioneer and Stella Dad, Mark Byrant (and Sea Eagle's 2008 premiership player) who will conduct a live auction of two incredible prizes at the Breakfast:
1. Waratahs Game Day Experience - four tickets to a 2025 Waratahs home game at Allianz Stadium, including exclusive seating and premium game-day hospitality.
2. Tickets to the Official 2024 Bledisloe Cup Lunch on Friday 20 September: three tickets to the lunch attended by Wallabies coach, Joe Schmidt and Wallabies players. Includes a three-course meal and unlimited four-hour beverage package.
Unfortunately, we may have to cancel the event if more tickets aren't sold. Although over 100 people expressed interest, only a few have purchased tickets. If we see an increase in sales this week, we can continue the booking.
We will decide on Monday 3 September if it is go-no-go.
Ticket prices are:
🎟️ $42 for adults or daughters/siblings over 14
🎟️ $32 for daughters/siblings under 14.
Ladies, join us on Friday 20 September at 1:00pm at Teddy Larkins, Freshwater, for an experience designed just for you. For $60 per ticket, indulge in delicious entrées and a main course while unwinding with other amazing women from our Stella community.
We can cater to allergy requirements/vegetarians; please specify at registration.
Based on your feedback, we’ve chosen the perfect time and setting—Teddy Larkins offers a cozy, relaxed atmosphere, perfect for mingling and enjoying great company. If you're attending solo, no worries—let us know, and we'll connect you with others from your year.
We can't wait to see you there!
On arrival: House-Made Rosemary Focaccia, sun-dried tomato, goat’s cheese, pistachio (n)(v)
The menu choice is for the table as a whole, with dishes/boards portioned accordingly for the number of guests and all designed for sharing.
Last Friday night’s Trivia Night was an absolute blast! The evening was filled with laughter, friendly competition, and much fun. One of the night's many highlights was the team, Derry Girls, who showed off their trivia skills and fully embraced the event's spirit by dressing up as Stella Girls. Honestly, the effort that went into dressing the tables and the costumes was outstanding, and it brought energy to the room and certainly a few laughs!
Teams battled it out across various rounds, with everyone showcasing their impressive trivia knowledge. In the end, the team Daisy Jones & The Six emerged victorious, claiming the top spot and bragging rights for the evening.
But the event wasn’t just about winning but coming together as a Stella Community. We’re thrilled to announce that we raised over $5,000! These funds will subsidise the welcome back to school event, the much-anticipated Stella Sunset Social and the first Year 7 Mixer. Your generosity will help ensure these events are accessible and memorable for everyone involved.
A huge thank you to everyone who came out and made the night so special. Whether you answered questions, cheered on your team, or soaked in the good vibes, you made Trivia Night a success. A huge thanks to the P&F team and Sue Homann from Stella for making it such a great night!
The Uniform Shop is open Tuesdays to Thursdays from 8.00am to 4.30pm.
Gail Hickey
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop is open Tuesdays to Thursdays from 8.00am to 4.30pm during term and can be emailed on:
Year 9 have been asked to purchase their senior dress online before the end of this term at:
Students who joined Stella in Term 2 will also need to come and purchase their dress or shorts before the end of this term so they are ready for Term 4 when summer uniform is worn.
Stockings and gloves are still available online until the end of term.
Black socks $3 (to wear with pants and as an alternative to stockings with the skirt) are available in store. We do hold limited stock as these can be purchased elsewhere.
Year 12 2025 Campion booklist is now available. The current Year 11 can order online at using the code QWWK. Orders should be placed by 15 September for delivery during the holidays to start Year 12 subjects in Term 4.
Sport Representative Hoodies are available for selected teams. These can be worn at the representative sport events and the associated training. Cost is $75.
Please ask your daughter to collect online orders from Recess after the order has been placed. Reminders are generally not sent. Please use your daughter’s name on the order. There is space under ‘Billing Address’ on the order for your daughter’s name.
Please follow this link to the P&F Facebook second hand page:
Thank you to our volunteers for this coming fortnight.
Bernie McGrath
Canteen Manager
Monday 2 Sept |
Tuesday 3 Sept |
Wednesday 4 Sept |
Thursday 5 Sept |
Friday 6 Sept |
Belinda Robinson |
Deborah Wilton |
Janine Silva |
Steph England |
Simone Selinas |
Vanda Skavaas |
Belinda Vumbaca |
Francene Scali |
Catherine Nel |
Claudine Guterres |
Cassie Mappin |
Sara McHugh |
Julie Martin |
Shannon Morrell |
Tara Edgtton |
Sandra Suarez |
Karlee Fox |
Leesa Shannon |
Heidi Bryant |
Melissa Firth |
Monday 9 Sept |
Tuesday 10 Sept |
Wednesday 11 Sept |
Thursday 12 Sept |
Friday 13 Sept |
Emma McIver |
Rebecca Kristensen |
Amanda Smerdon |
Kelly Hindman |
Samantha Campbell |
Tracey Fowler |
Nicole Margetts |
Daniel Jones |
Peta Pickup |
Natalie Moschou |
Leigh Mason |
Majella Brady |
Shannon Morrell |
Lisa Hung |
Eve Harvey |
Nicole Hodgkinson |
Important dates for Term 3...
Friday 30 August |
Father’s Day Breakfast |
Friday 20 September | P&F Ladies Long Lunch |
Wednesday 25 September |
Year 12 Graduation Mass and Ceremony |
Friday 27 September |
Year 12 Formal |