Term 4, Edition 17
07 NOVEMBER 2024
Previous Editions

From the Principal

Welcome Mrs Quirk!

Sharyn Quirk



This week we held our assembly under the trees. Year 12 Leaders presented a powerful assembly with a thought-provoking consideration of the United Nations Day of Elimination of Violence against Women.

We began the gathering with prayer and a consideration of how the parable of the Good Samaritan challenges us to always act with compassion towards others who have been injured. Roisin, our 2025 College Captain, told the assembled community about the story of the Mirabal sisters who were political activists in the Dominican Republic. To raise awareness and trigger action to end this global scourge, the UN observes International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November.

The Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women, defines violence against women as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.” Violence against women continues to be an obstacle to achieving equality, development, peace as well as to the fulfillment of the rights of women and girls.

For many of us we feel helpless to change things that are happening outside of our control but what should we as a community do?

  • We need to be aware,
  • we need to question behaviours that we consider inappropriate,
  • we need to speak up for others when it is right and
  • we need to advocate for those who need our help because
  • we need to do what we can to create a better world.

Ms Smith called on our Stella community to be neighbour to each other in all we do. She invited everyone to try to be kinder to each other and support those who need our help. It was an important message for us all.

At this assembly we also celebrated academic, sporting and community achievements as well as welcoming our 2025 Principal, Mrs. Sharyn Quirk. It was a positive community event.

Topping Out Celebrations

We were delighted to be invited by our building partners, Kane Construction to their Topping Out celebrations for the Creative Arts building this week. 'Topping out' is usually celebrated on construction sites when the highest point is reached during construction. It was a fantastic opportunity to witness the incredible progress which has been difficult to see behind the hoarding.

I am pleased to report the project is on track to open mid next year with state-of-the-art teaching and learning facilities, and we’re excited about the potential to further develop the fourth level. With its beach glimpses and sweeping views across Manly, we can’t wait to see how this space might evolve into something truly special for our community. We’ll continue to keep you updated on our progress and opportunities to support the project.

College Prayer

Encircle us O God and our Stella Maris community
With oceans of care and goodness.
May we work towards a community where the poor have justice,
Where every sorrow finds compassion,
Where strangers are welcomed, where hospitality is generous,
Where all of creation is reverenced and where God is praised.

Encircle us, embrace us,
With Mary Star of the Sea and with Christ our Lord
Who lives with you for ever and ever.


Sr Elizabeth Brennan sgs



Don't miss this edition's important notices...

2024 Presentation Ceremonies

We warmly invite you to join us online for the 2024 End of Year Awards Presentation ceremonies for Year 7-11 students. Below is the formal invitation which includes the link for viewing each year group's ceremony online. The link(s) will be activated on the day of the presentation.

Members of our Dance and Music cohort have prepared a special performance for this event.

Parents/carers of award winners and performers will be contacted by separate email with further information.

We look forward to sharing in this celebration of excellence with you.

Student Travel Survey

The College is gathering information from families as to how students travel to/from school each day. The information provided will assist the College with future planning and identify potential areas for improvement. Families who use the public transport system are encouraged to submit feedback, which may be shared with the transport providers to determine where there is an opportunity to enhance the overall student travel experience. Please submit a response by Friday 15 November using the link below. Your participation is appreciated.

Community Youth Mass - this Sunday!

The last community Youth Mass of the year will be held at St Kieran’s Parish, Manly Vale at 5.00pm on 10 November. Dinner will be served afterwards.

Students have been asked to see Ms Chin if they would like to join in the community choir or help out serving dinner, as these activities can help out with Duke of Edinburgh hours.

Good Samaritan Education Virtual Kiribati Immersion

This week the network of ten Good Samaritan Schools gathered to learn about the Social Justice issue that are being faced by the tiny island nation of Kiribati.

The Kiribati Immersion taught me about living in the moment and being grateful for everything you have and not focusing on what you want or don’t have. What struck me most was how even though the Kiribati community have so little, they all come together to create an uplifting community. Chloe A, Year 8

Duke of Edinburgh News - silent auction now live!

Don't forget to get behind the fundraising efforts of our Duke of Edinburgh students travelling to Cambodia as they aim to raise enough money to purchase 60 bikes for the students at Happy Days Primary School and fund the construction of a classroom at Propel Primary School. Browse and purchase items such as gift vouchers, jewellery, and other products via the live site below. If nothing catches your eye, you can also donate directly through the site to support our cause.

Keep those items coming in for the Cambodia Drive.

Term 4 Extra Curricular Timetable

The Term 4 Extra Curricular Timetable is now available. There are so many opportunities for students to get involved in activities or seek academic support.

Community News

Point Break Drama presents - As You Like It

Point Break Drama’s production of As You Like It, will be a warm, fun and contemporary adaptation of one of Shakespeare’s most popular comedies with a cast of teenagers.

"As You Like It follows Rosalind, banished from her uncle’s court and flees to the Forest of Arden, disguised as a young man named Ganymede. She is accompanied by her cousin Celia and the court jester, Touchstone. In the forest, Rosalind meets Orlando, the man she loves. Will everyone find love and happiness, and will old conflicts be resolved?

Five shows only 21 - 24 November.
Directed by Blair Cutting & Paul Winchester.
Costumes Marisa Newnes. Lighting Michael Arnott


P&F News

What's ahead in 2025?

Clare Cahill

P&F President

From the desk of the P&F President

Below you will find:

  • A summary of the recent P&F General Meeting
  • Proposed dates for 2025 (for those who like to get things in their calendar early)
  • A note from the President about 2025

    P&F General Meeting

    The P&F GM for Term 4 was held on Thursday 24 October and covered several key areas, beginning with a review of any outstanding business from previous meetings. Reports were presented, including a Principal’s Update and a financial overview of the budget report. The committee also discussed matters arising from the recent executive meeting, focusing on reviewing the 2025 Plan (dates below), which included proposed motions for future initiatives.

    The meeting then highlighted upcoming Term 4 events, notably the Year 7 2025 Welcome and Information Evening on October 30.

    Looking ahead, Clare and Sue outlined plans to research the PEG (Parent Engagement Group) model and other potential restructuring for future P&F operations.

    Dates for 2025 meetings are below, and here is a link to the minutes for those interested.

    Events for your diary for 2025

    Term 1

    • Stella Sunset Social - Thursday 20 February
    • P&F General Meeting - Thursday 6 March
    • Stella Open Day BBQ - Wednesday 19 March – volunteers needed
    • Year 7 Parent and Carer Mixer - Thursday 20 March, 7.00 - 9.00pm
    • Stella Fellas Nomad Trivia - Sunday 6 April

    Term 2

    • Mother’s Day Breakfast Raffle - Friday 9 May – prize donations needed
    • P&F General & AGM Meeting - Thursday 22 May
    • Stella Trivia Night (200 capacity) - Friday 13 June - prize donations needed

    Term 3

    • P&F General Meeting - Thursday 14 August
    • Luna Park Family event – Saturday 23 August
    • Father’s Day Breakfast Raffle - Friday 5 September – prize donations needed
    • Stella Ladies (Mums) Long Lunch - Friday 19 September

    Term 4

    • P&F General Meeting - Thursday 6 November
    • Stella Fellas Barefoot Bowling - Sunday 16 November

    A note from the P&F President - looking ahead to 2025

    As I sit down to write this, I’m reflecting on the journey we've been on together. Serving as P&F President has been one of the most rewarding experiences; it allowed me to get used to being a parent of a high schooler whilst getting to know the Stella staff, teachers, parent and carer body better, making some new friends along the way. The role has been about more than just events or meetings—it's been about rebuilding our Stella community post-COVID. With the support of Linda, Catherine, Nicole, and Gayle, we’ve created great connected community moments that I’ve been so proud to witness and that define our Stella family.

    However, my tenure as President will be wrapping up in May 2025, and at this point, I’m hoping we get an enthusiastic individual to take over. While it’s bittersweet to think about stepping down, I’m also excited about the future of our P&F. This role needs someone who’s passionate about community, someone with fresh ideas, and most importantly, someone who cares deeply about the Stella spirit.

    If you’ve ever considered becoming more involved or if you have ideas to contribute, this could be your time to step into the role! It’s a beautiful way to contribute and trust me when I say—you’re never doing it alone. Our fantastic committee and school community make this job both manageable and meaningful.

    Please reach out if you're curious, want to chat, or have questions. I’d love to discuss what it’s like and how you could help continue our work together—either contact Sue Homann (our Community Engagement Manager) via community@stellamaris.nsw.edu.au or myself at pandf@stellamaris.nsw.edu.au

    Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to welcoming new faces to the fold!

    Warmest regards,

    Clare Cahill
    P&F President


    Sports News

    Welcome to this fortnight's Sports News.

    Jenny Wickham

    Sports Coordinator and Teacher of PDHPE

    NSWCCC Water Polo

    Congratulations to the junior and open water polo teams who competed at the NSWCCC Water Polo Championships at Sydney Olympic Park on Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 October.

    The Stella teams performed very well against tough competition. Our team numbers were greatly affected by the clash with exams, but we managed to place fourth in both competitions! Well done to both teams on a fantastic effort!

      IGSA Gymnastics

      Congratulations to Cara F in Year 7 who competed at the IGSA Gymnastics Championships at Sydney Gymnastics Centre on Friday 1 November. Cara competed in the level 5 competition on all apparatus. She performed extremely well, finishing in the top 15 of all of her events! Well done on this fantastic achievement!

      CGSSSA Cricket

      Well done to our Year 7 cricket team who played at the CGSSSA Cricket Championships on Friday 1 November. The team was playing in an open age competition and played some excellent cricket throughout the day. Well done to all members of the team for playing so well against much older teams!

      CGSSSA Aquathon

      Congratulations to the 24 students who competed at the CGSSSA Aquathon on Tuesday 5 November. The Aquathon is a run/swim event. Students may complete the event as an individual, or as part of a team. The Stella students had some outstanding results, finishing on the podium in both junior events!

      Well done to Piper B, Chloe A, Eve K and Liv R who competed as individuals.

      Congratulations to Piper who won the bronze medal in the junior individual event, and to Charlie C and Andrea N who won the bronze medal in the junior team event.


      Congratulations to Amelia F and Zoey H (Year 7) who played at the National Basketball Championships in Victoria. These students finished as the top NSW team and in the top 8 of Australia. Well done!

      Fiji Touch Touch

      Good luck to the 21 students who are heading off on the Fiji Touch Football tour on Friday 8 November. The teams will play against a few schools and clubs in Fiji, as well as visiting schools and villages around Fiji. Good luck and have a fantastic time!

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      Performing Arts News

      Tickets now open for Semester 2 Performance Evenings!

      Evan Browett

      Head of Performing Arts

      Live at Sunset Performing Arts Series

      Tickets are now on sale for our Semester 2 Live at Sunset Performing Arts Series.

      Drama Gala Evening: Tuesday 12 November at 6:30pm (Star of the Sea Theatre)

      Celebration of Dance 2024: Friday 15 November: Show 1 at 5:00pm (Star of the Sea Theatre)

      Celebration of Dance 2024: Friday 15 November: Show 2 at 7:00pm (Star of the Sea Theatre)

      Showcase of Music 2024: Wednesday 27 November at 6:30pm (Under the Figs):

      Energy Express Eisteddfod Results

      Last weekend, the Stella Ensembles, Company and Extension Hip Hop Groups had their final competition for the year.

      It was a very early start with most of us up by 5.00am to get ready, leave by 6.00am and arrive at 7.00am in Seven Hills. I am so proud of the girls for not complaining about the early morning, especially after a long week at school.

      The Ensemble groups were competing at half capacity but deserve to be commended on their performance, especially the Lyrical Ensemble which was down to six dancers – the show must go on!

      Congratulations to all our dancers!

      • 1st Place – Jazz Company “Lose My Breath”
      • 1st Place – Lyrical Company “How Do I Say Goodbye”
      • 2nd Place – Lyrical Ensemble “Use Somebody”
      • 2nd Place – Ext Hip Hop Company “Rumble”
      • 3rd Place – Contemporary Company “Toxic”
      • 3rd Place – Jazz Ensemble “Little L”
      • Highly Commended – Contemporary Ensemble “Take Me To Church”
      • Highly Commended – Hip Hop Ensemble – “Kiti”
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      Canteen News

      Thank you to all our Canteen volunteers over the next fortnight.

      Bernie McGrath

      Canteen Manager

      It’s that time of year when we start preparing next year’s roster. If you haven’t already, can you please let me know if you would like to return to your current day and if not, another preference/frequency, or not at all. We hope to see you all back!

      Week commencing Monday 11 November

      Monday 11 Nov

      Tuesday 12 Nov

      Wednesday 13 Nov

      Thursday 14 Nov
      Help needed please

      Friday 15 Nov

      Emma McIver

      Rebecca Kristensen

      Amanda Smerdon

      Kelly Hindman

      Lilian Henley/Amanda Beecham

      Vanessa Miles

      Nicole Margetts

      Shannon Morell

      Peta Pickup

      Duncan Barnett

      Tracey Fowler

      Eve Harvey

      Nicole Hodgkinson

      Lisa MacGregor

      Leigh Mason

      Majella Brady

      Marie Watson

      Nicole Covich

      Week commencing Monday 18 November

      Monday 18 Nov

      Tuesday 19 Nov

      Wednesday 20 Nov

      Thursday 21 Nov

      Friday 22 Nov

      Jess Ozbay

      Therese Buchanan

      Catherine Hodson

      Orla Neville

      Brooke Mountford

      Agnes Villanyi

      Louise Stedman

      Ruth Richter

      Sarah Bernie

      Prue Berne

      Lindie McKay

      Amy Keary

      Kristy McNab

      Nicole Holmes

      Louise Moore

      Rachel Bijl

      Emily Brannan

      Joanne Bright

      Melissa Firth

      Sara McHugh

      Bridget Cargill

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      Uniform Shop News

      January Trading Hours

      Gail Hickey

      Uniform Shop

      The Uniform Shop will close for the year on Thursday 14 November at 4.30pm.

      Please collect all online orders by this date.

      Online orders placed after 2.30pm on November 14 can be collected in January.

      January Opening Hours

      Wednesday 22 January9.00am - 2.00pm
      Thursday 23 January9.00am - 2.00pm
      Tuesday 28 January9.00am - 2.00pm
      Wednesday 29 January9.00am - 2.00pm
      Thursday 30 January8.00am - 4.30pm

      The Uniform Shop is open Tuesdays to Thursdays from 8.00am to 4.30pm during term and can be emailed on:


      Years 8 - 11 2025 Booklists

      The 2025 Stella Maris Years 8-11 booklists are now online for student ordering. Please find below the link which will take parents/students directly into the Campion website for ordering:

      If Parents order via the Campion website, the School Code is QWWK.

      Year 9 can purchase their senior dress online:

      Year 10 can purchase the senior bag only online at:

      Collection is from Thursday 14 November.

      Please ask your daughter to collect online orders from Recess after the order has been placed. Reminders are generally not sent. Please use your daughter’s name on the order. There is space under ‘Billing Address’ on the order for your daughter’s name.

      Please follow this link to the P&F Facebook second hand page:

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      Term 4 Calendar Dates

      Term 4 events and 2025 term dates

      Term 4

      Tuesday 12 NovemberSMC Drama Evening
      Thursday 14 NovemberYear 7 2025 Twilight Social
      Thursday 15 NovemberSMC Dance Evening
      Wednesday 27 NovemberSMC Music Night
      Friday 29 NovemberYear 11 Presentation Ceremony (9.55am)
      Year 10 Presentation Ceremony (12.25pm)
      Year 8 Presentation Ceremony (2.15pm)
      Monday 2 DecemberYear 9 Presentation Ceremony (9.55am)

      Year 7 Presentation Ceremony (12.25pm)

      Tuesday 3 DecemberFinal day of Term 4


      Term 1

      Thursday 30 January

      Term 1 Commences

      Friday 11 April

      Term 1 Concludes

      Term 2

      Tuesday 29 AprilTerm 2 Commences
      Friday 27 JuneTerm 2 Concludes

      Term 3

      Tuesday 22 JulyTerm 3 Commences
      Friday 26 SeptemberTerm 3 Concludes

      Term 4

      Tuesday 14 OctoberTerm 4 Commences
      Tuesday 2 DecemberTerm 4 Concludes

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